I think he tried to Scam me!....

The guy actually sounds a bit scary...
I would'nt have sold him the geese...
and i SURELY would'nt sell him anymore animals.
I would consider calling the police. They probably wouldn't be able to do anything, but they might. That guys still owes you $10. If someone handed me a fake ad like that, they'd better be worried about lost appendages before they could get back to their car. But seriously, I would not under any circumstances do business with this fellow again. He probably wants to size up your house for what he can steal while you're off at work.
Wow, the scary thing for me is...if that person is willing to treat a human being with such disrespect, how will the animals be treated. Like earlier said, keep the number labeled as a bad dude. I got some bad firewood from a guy on CL and I still have his numbered labeled "wood delivery by amateurs" so that I will never accidentally be in contact with them again.
I would have been like, $20 Or nothing, i dont have alot of time to deal with you, this isnt a yard sale my price stays as is.
Jeez so hard to deal with ppl these days
Yes, amazing how ads etc. can be altered on the computer. You certainly weren't obligated to sell them at the price, but, it probably turned into a heat of the moment thing. As for Craig's list- I listed a truck for sale for a friend. I could not find the ad anywhere. I then discovered that anyone can "flag" your ad, and have it removed for absolutely no reason. CL doesn't have administrators that check the ads (what do you want for free I guess). So, apparently, if you have someone with bad intentions, or a vendetta, forget listing on Craig's List.
Anytime we sell on craigslist I always make sure to be here with my wife. If you can possibly do it next time make sure you schedule their visit when you can have someone there with you be it a friend, neighbor, etc.. just in case something goes wrong. That was just low down and dirty what that guy did. I would have told him to get back in his car and don't come back. Certainly keep the number though like everyone else is saying just so you can identify him as a no gooder.
He definitely tried to scam you. Youll be prepared for the next time but as a general rule people are good and will do no harm but in times like these you have to prepare for the worst elements of society. Thats why I carry a gun. You just cant trust anyone until they prove themselves. Especially when your allowing them to come to your home. Next time try wearing a sidearm (open carry).
E.G.Glayer :

He definitely tried to scam you. Youll be prepared for the next time but as a general rule people are good and will do no harm but in times like these you have to prepare for the worst elements of society. Thats why I carry a gun. You just cant trust anyone until they prove themselves. Especially when your allowing them to come to your home. Next time try wearing a sidearm (open carry).


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