Injured duck - Leg Was Tied - Photo attached

How is Janet Quackson doing today? We like to keep up with our patients.


She's doing well! I'm thinking of bringing one of the other females up to stay with her on the back deck even if it's only temporary. She's definitely putting pressure on the foot, though it's still obviously hurting her.

I accidentally left her oral meds outside and it froze.. making giving her meds yesterday difficult.
She's doing well! I'm thinking of bringing one of the other females up to stay with her on the back deck even if it's only temporary. She's definitely putting pressure on the foot, though it's still obviously hurting her.

I accidentally left her oral meds outside and it froze.. making giving her meds yesterday difficult.
She'd probably enjoy the company. Sorry about the meds hope they thawed okay.

Thanks for update @dotknott
She's doing well! I'm thinking of bringing one of the other females up to stay with her on the back deck even if it's only temporary. She's definitely putting pressure on the foot, though it's still obviously hurting her.

Sounds like a good plan to bring a friend for her to hang with. She may even settle down more with company right there with her.


Some updates from this evening. She had a swim for the first time since Saturday and seems to have forgotten that she's afraid of the faucet. Her leg looks worse, but I think that's expected.. it kinda looks like hell while it's healing. She's using it, and even scratched her face with that foot! She hasn't yet stood on that foot alone, but it's only been a week.
@dotknott I can tell a big difference in how it looks and it looks quite a bit better on this end.
[tags aren't working this morning]

She is doing great!! did she get a visitor yet?
@dotknott  I can tell a big difference in how it looks and it looks quite a bit better on this end. 
[tags aren't working this morning]

She is doing great!! did she get a visitor yet?

No visitor yet. Since I have to make sure I have a waterer big enough for two for a full day, otherwise it'll have to wait until I'm home to refill the water during the day.
She is looking great!
i suspect that she will end up with a scar but at least she still has her foot, and that the scabbing will heal quickly

You are doing great with her!!

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