Is this normal?

My hens that look like that and were called Easter eggers aren't laying and their faces have been red for three weeks but they keep getting redder. They hate being touched too but they aren't mean. Hatched in the beginning of April. I heard they take longer to start.
Ok I followed the suggestions and the only one that worked, for a couple of days, was where I held her down on her tummy. I think it made it even worse now. This morning she drew blood on my foot…. Besides culling 🤢💔 is there anything else? And she’s still not laying…. 23 weeks now
Picture of my jerk Olive Egger with my sweet lap sapphire gem (who’s been laying for weeks now)…

You could try the pinless peepers. They work for some people.

However, not to be callous, but if this chicken is causing you to lack joy in your chickenkeeping and, especially, if she's disrupting the peace of the flock then sell her or eat her and keep the ones who are giving you joy.
I do the petcarrier method. Put her in a pet carrier for a couple of days with food and water. let her see her flock but not mingle with them usually works on bully chickens. Takes them down a notch.

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