Is This The Change You Wanted In The Last Election

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Actually the police do......... And no, we don't want the union either.....

Once again.. Foster parent here.. with 23 children that call me dad

By the way, Police, firefighters etc. were UNAFFECTED by the changes in Wisconsin
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Then he could fire Boehner.


Boyd... what did i tell you about getting into political arguments on a chicken site?
You are so right on. Keep it coming. Get some valid info out there before it gets shut down.

Have you noticed it seems like some people are blaming the President for the problems that John Boehner is having? Since when is it the POTUS job to make a budget? If the GOP would quit trying to be sure the uber wealthy only have to pay 16% in taxes they could get a budget done. The Bush tax cuts and 2 unfinanced wars that weren't even on the books during his rein are the cause of the deficit. When you eliminate income sources that happens. The 50% of US citizens that don't pay taxes don't make enough to pay taxes. They are subject to the same rules as the wealthy are. Why do so many people not get it? I know we don't have that many millionaires on this forum.
How about ending all of the welfare, medical, and educational programs for illegal aliens? What is wrong with us that we are so stupid that we vote for candidates who favor importing cheap labor (illegal aliens) and then having the taxpayers - that's us, the suckers - pay the difference between what the employer pays the illegal alien and what it costs to feed and care for that illegal alien and his family?

Why is Congress trying to fund the "Dream Act" to permit naturalization of those who broke the law coming here?

Why are we fighting three wars instead of putting troops on our border to stop illegal immigration, drug running, and criminal cartels who treat our country as their own backyard?

Why was a national health plan proposed where suddenly we discover that those who really need it - handicapped infants - won't receive it, while millions of middle class families have "recently been discovered" to qualify?

Why is our President wandering to China and India and making big fat speeches on how we Americans allegedly benefit from the export of our jobs?

I voted for Ron Paul in the primary and the Libertarians in the General. McCain is a senile old warmonger who never met a dictatorship he thought we shouldn't copy and Obama is a Chicago machine politician. Knowing the Republicans they'll give us Romney, Palin, or Trump - or some other ignorant loser - the next time out.

The only candidate from either party who actually understands economics and how we got into this mess, and how to get out of it, is Ron Paul. But people won't vote for him because the left wants massive giveaways to their corporate and disadvantaged buddies alike, and the Republicans want another Holy Roller who'll keep going to war with half the Muslim world in order to "protect Israel." Meanwhile, Israel keeps selling our military secrets to China and we keep politely bending over and spreading while she does so.
Hmmm..... there are only 4,000.000 families that earn enough money to be taxed by the proposed "tax the rich" program. Since most of them make under $500K per annum - I suspect that won't make much of a dent in the $14 trillion deficit.

Now, let's take a look at who some of the UberRich who aren't particularly taxed might be:
Nancy Pelosi, richest member of Congress, who evades taxes by assorted means put in place decades ago when the Democrats controlled the house and senate. The late Teddy Kennedy and the entire Kennedy family, who worked very hard to make sure that the tax code had exemptions for his, and the Gore family, as in Al Gore, through an artificial distinction between Big Oil and Little Oil. The Gores and the Kennedys are Little Oil, and pay a much lower rate - or at least the Kennedys would pay a lower rate if they had to pay at all - it seems that the overseas shelter laws that were repealed some years ago had exemptions that specifically assisted the Kennedys and a few other powerful families. Then there is the matter of all of those family foundations that receive all of the money and then hire the various highly qualified relatives at exorbitant salaries to donate home heating oil to "the needy" in districts where Kennedys are running for office. B^)

I do wish that before people blamed the Republicans for everything, they'd take the time to read a little history of tax law and a little demographics. Or just sit down and read the Congressional Record and the voting records of the various elected officials instead of falling for whatever little lies they're giving out in their speeches. The Democrats at one point defined "the rich" as any family earning $60K or more according to a speech and interviews given by the late Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. No suggestion was ever made of increasing taxes on the Feinsteins, Kennedys, Gores, and Pelosis by targeting their exemptions. However, abolishing the mortgage interest exemption, taxing health insurance, and raising income taxes to 25% on those earning $60K or more have been considered by the Democrats.
I'M with you , stop all the free hand out he wants to give out more. Problem i see he wants to raise taxes, to keep spending. Sorry we need to make cuts in spending ,without new taxes......

Plain bull if you don't let me raise taxes ,i can't make these cuts.
Once again.. Foster parent here.. with 23 children that call me dad

By the way, Police, firefighters etc. were UNAFFECTED by the changes in Wisconsin

They actually allow you to keep 23 kids in your house? We fostered for 10 years. Had 93 kids come through the doors. We adopted 5 and the rest went back to their families. They limited us to 3 at a time unless it was a sibling group. We didn't foster for heaven points either. Just say that because we went to a lot of foster parent meetings and everyone wore their halos on a regular basis.

Yeah they don't pay social workers jack. It's truly a labor of love. Even more so than public school teachers. They always get the first cut when the budget needs trimming because the politicians are afraid to raise taxes a tenth of a percent. Or they do something really stupid like pass a law to refund any surplus collected so that when times get tough they got nothing to fall back on. We had an idiot in this state do that.

So is this really the change all the people that put the TP people in to office last election really wanted. That's whats really happening right now. John Boehner has to run everything by the Koch brothers and Murdoch before he can get it approved. He doesn't look real happy about it either. Just last week he was talking about maybe raising taxes on the ultra wealthy. Then he talked to his bosses. Now he has Obama out there scaring people about their SS checks.

If the debt ceiling doesn't get raised Obama has the power to decide who gets paid first. The Secretary of the treasury makes that decision and he works for Obama. So hopefully he'll have the money distributed to those in need first and our creditors so our credit rating doesn't go in the tank.
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