It's almost time! Duck buyers unite!

Oh ya, In hopes of getting some prof. opinions, I'm going to tags some ppl.
@chickens really @Sara Ranch @Miss Lydia @Bills vs Beaks
Alright, I'm going to post a few questions relating to ducks hopingt his thread gets into the recent section.
1. I have been having serious problems finding niacin. I don't get the ducks until March, but I would really like to know where to get some B3! It seemed like walmart had a lot of options and I can order from walmart too. What should I do? If you have a reliable source for niacin, plz post the link. Thanks!
2. De-worming. I suspect my old chickens died from an internal parasite. What can I do to prevent my future ducks from getting an internal parasite? What dewormer works best?
3. Finally, I also need to find a good thermometer to use in the brooder to keep it the right temp. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!:frow
I didnt use niacin much, and when I did I used this
Never used a dewormer on my ducks. I just keep them on grass, and rotate pasture. Youll hafta ask someone else for that info ;P
I used this worked great till somone tossed it out with the dirty shavings and we lost it and when I finally found it in the compost it was cracked. didnt leak, just didnt want to risk it so I chucked it. But it was great otherwise!

Hope that helps! thanks for the tag :)
I'm not an expert by any means, and I know this wasn't a direct question, but I'm going to add this tip also. Ducks need a source of water right next to their food. They have to clear out their nostrils as they eat. I have found that they are MUCH more messy with their water if you just give them the little chicken waterers (they try to put their whole head in it & well... it doesn't fit, so they flip the water everywhere with their bills trying to clear their nostrils!) I really recommend a bowl of water for them so they can submerge their whole head easily. That being said, the description of puppies that play in water is super accurate! :lau They will get water everywhere anyway, but they will be happier if they can submerge their bills!
I never needed Niacin, so I can't comment on that, but I used an All Flock Chick Starter crumble with both my ducks and chicks.
My Mom said we can't get ducks bc they're too messy.

What a shame! I think she'd find that they're cuteness would make up for the mess! Try to show her that you can handle it!!

I didnt use niacin much, and when I did I used this
Never used a dewormer on my ducks. I just keep them on grass, and rotate pasture. Youll hafta ask someone else for that info ;P
I used this worked great till somone tossed it out with the dirty shavings and we lost it and when I finally found it in the compost it was cracked. didnt leak, just didnt want to risk it so I chucked it. But it was great otherwise!

Hope that helps! thanks for the tag :)

Thanks you so much!! That was really helpful!!!
@Bridger - I don't give niacin. I supplement meat bird feed with scrambled chicken eggs, dark green veggies, some meat (which is super rare), and access to the garden.

The duckies LOVED tomatoes!! It was their garden favorite. They also LOVED the different lettuces, the kale, the broccoli leaves. They nibbled on peppers, eggplants, squash, pickles, strawberries, and herbs. The LOVED the fresh fruit from the orchard!

Research foods high in niacin (like eggs) and offer those goodies to your duckies.

Dewormer - my duckies free range and eat with the chickens. So when I deworm the chickens, the duckies, by default get it too. During the summer & fall months, depending on the harvests, everyone eats natural dewormers - like pumpkin seeds here and there. I also add ACV (apple cider vinegar) to their drinking water and to their fermented feed. When I do the store bought dewormer, it's Wazine. Goes into the drinking water and/or their feed.

NikandherChicks mentioned the water. My duckies have the swimming pool. They sometimes drink from it. They also require another water source for drinking and grooming. Yeah, my duckies use the drinking water for grooming. They also enjoy the enjoy a shallow pan (like an XL kitty litter box) with water so they can wash their feet. Yes, my duckies will do that. Puddles also work. ;) Make sure the duckies can dunk their whole bill into the water dish!

Thermometer - I have never used on. I watch the duckies (and other animals) and see how they react to the heat. If they are cold, they huddle under the heat lamp. If they are too warm, they move away from the heat lamp. How would you be able to watch them in the coop? Is there a space in the coop they could get away from the heat lamp (and still be safe) if it's too hot? Going from memory of the photo you posted, not sure there's enough space in the coop to safely have a heat lamp.
@Bridger - I don't give niacin. I supplement meat bird feed with scrambled chicken eggs, dark green veggies, some meat (which is super rare), and access to the garden.

The duckies LOVED tomatoes!! It was their garden favorite. They also LOVED the different lettuces, the kale, the broccoli leaves. They nibbled on peppers, eggplants, squash, pickles, strawberries, and herbs. The LOVED the fresh fruit from the orchard!

Research foods high in niacin (like eggs) and offer those goodies to your duckies.

Dewormer - my duckies free range and eat with the chickens. So when I deworm the chickens, the duckies, by default get it too. During the summer & fall months, depending on the harvests, everyone eats natural dewormers - like pumpkin seeds here and there. I also add ACV (apple cider vinegar) to their drinking water and to their fermented feed. When I do the store bought dewormer, it's Wazine. Goes into the drinking water and/or their feed.

NikandherChicks mentioned the water. My duckies have the swimming pool. They sometimes drink from it. They also require another water source for drinking and grooming. Yeah, my duckies use the drinking water for grooming. They also enjoy the enjoy a shallow pan (like an XL kitty litter box) with water so they can wash their feet. Yes, my duckies will do that. Puddles also work. ;) Make sure the duckies can dunk their whole bill into the water dish!

Thermometer - I have never used on. I watch the duckies (and other animals) and see how they react to the heat. If they are cold, they huddle under the heat lamp. If they are too warm, they move away from the heat lamp. How would you be able to watch them in the coop? Is there a space in the coop they could get away from the heat lamp (and still be safe) if it's too hot? Going from memory of the photo you posted, not sure there's enough space in the coop to safely have a heat lamp.

Wow @Sara Ranch ! You always answer my questions with the answers i need! Thank you!!!
OK. I did soem research and I hope this helps other people too... I am going to give my ducks ground peanuts and sunflower seeds once a week to help with niacin. They have to be ground so they don't get stuck in their digestive system.
I'm the main chicken caretaker, and I made an essay about their benefits(fun fact: ducks are 25% more efficient than chickens at converting feed into eggs) but she has completely vetoed it. :(
I'm the main chicken caretaker, and I made an essay about their benefits(fun fact: ducks are 25% more efficient than chickens at converting feed into eggs) but she has completely vetoed it. :(

That's really too bad! Besides the messy thing, what could she possibly have against ducks!?!

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