They included this nice info sheet and stamped the eggs with the breed. I can’t quite decipher all of them, some are a bit smudged, but maybe there will be another stamp on the other side or something haha but from the ones I can decipher.... I’ve got some AWESOME ones!!! :love

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I’m sooooo jealous right now!! you got 2 blue andalusian and 1 lavender orp!!! i think the other smudged one is RIR....and you got your BR, BO, EE, and 2 welsummer!!
I have a mini refrigerator that my father bought for me 6 years ago and it stopped working, but I don't want to get rid of it!

I want to make it into an incubator. I have to gut it and everything.

That would be so cool! You should do it!!

Are you selling your chicks? Keeping them? What are you going to do with the extra Cockerels?

I haven’t figured that out yet. :oops:

I think I will probably keep them at least until they are old enough to sex though and then try to sell or give away the extra males and keep the hens. I don’t have room in my current coop so I’m planning on building a separate coop to grow them all out in. I am also going to make a brooder in the garage to start them off in. If I can’t sell the males I guess I’ll have to eat them but I’m really hoping I won’t have to. I have some cool breeds so should hopefully be easy to rehome but we’ll see. I may even try to keep one. :oops:
My thoughts too haha


Right!? I feel the same way. So stupid lol you know they would never say it to your face!!

Me neither! Lol

And it’s cause we’re awesome!!! And I think there’s a ton of us on this site haha

The worst!!

Lol nice!!

I think it’s like a subconscious magnetic effect! :lau

We know other New Englanders are amazing and flock together. :D

Texans too! Kiki is an honorary New Englander or are we honorary Texans? :lau

:lau internet Chihuahuas! I love that :lau

And yes! You need one! Or broodies lol

:lau okay, okay, you guys win! I will set them tonight! LOL
Heck no...don't include me with y'all's ice club.

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