Last weekend we had a fishercat in the coop.


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
He had been working in the coop to fix a door,came up to the house to get a tool-heard the chickens sounding off.
Went back down to find a fishercat in the coop.
Dang thing was aggressive and wouldn't get lost so called the proper authorities for permission to shoot.
Granted the permission he was still down there so he fired a few shots and it just kept coming back.
As a last resort he shot the dang thing.
Hate to kill anything but sometimes you have too.
If we had left that morning as originally planned,we would have lost everything.
The people we talked to said fishers are aggressive and sometimes attack people which in our case it was not afraid of us at all.
Hope this never happens again.
What state are you located in? All members of the weasel family can be extremely brazen and aggressive at times.
I had a fisher cat kill 2 geese a few years ago. They are really mean. A long tailed weasel got my 4 geese 2 weeks ago. I wish I could have shot him/her but we live in the middle of town and you can't fire a gun within 300 feet of a dwelling.
We had one kill a Big Tom cat right under our deck, four feet from the door. Nasty, aggressive critters. I understand they are protected, but if threatening your animals can be shot. No more outside cats for us!
i have lots of them here they stay away from my dog thoough i think their aggression is exagerated

if they would fear a dog why wouldnt they fear a person?
ive seen many of them out in the bush and they bolt with the fear of god, coyotes and foxes dont run as fast away as they do. They are much more like a big marten than a small wolverine. I don't consider a fox a small wolf either.

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