Thank you! I’ve have 12 young chickens, hoping for pullets… but I knew that the odds of having a roo or two in the group we’re high with the many different breeds I chose (only 2 sex linked). Crossing my fingers that he is not too aggressive. We live in a predator-rich area of Oregon, so no free ranging for these birds! We’ll see... thanks again!
No problem! :D
If you raise him right he shouldn't be aggressive! Orpingtons are very gentle and rarely aggressive. You're bound to have at least one or two roosters in a group of 12. I wish you the best of luck with your birds, especially in your area!
How is he so far? How does he behave around people?

Oh, and welcome to your next great time suck (BYC)!!! We're so happy to have you and your flock join us! Beautiful birds! :love:welcome
How is he so far? How does he behave around people?

Oh, and welcome to your next great time suck (BYC)!!! We're so happy to have you and your flock join us! Beautiful birds! :love:welcome
He seems a little more assertive than the Buff Orp, but similar in confidence to my Wyandottes. One memorable thing... we purchased this little flick from a feed store about an hour from our home. I kept asking my son (holding the box on the way home) “who is making all that noise?” “The little Gray one!” Noisy!
He seems a little more assertive than the Buff Orp, but similar in confidence to my Wyandottes. One memorable thing... we purchased this little flick from a feed store about an hour from our home. I kept asking my son (holding the box on the way home) “who is making all that noise?” “The little Gray one!” Noisy!

Sounds like a promising Roo! Noisy and assertive= good. Overly friendly when young and aggressive when older=bad ( or so I've learned on here :gig)

Now the big question- can we expect the fruit of his loins to be hatched and shared here, once he's old enough!? (With no roo myself I live vicariously through other people's hatches :oops:)

Congrats on your handsome little man!:wee
Hi All!! This is my first post on BYC and my first 2 months with chickens... LOVE them so much already!! All of my chicks were purchased just days-old, now all about 7 weeks old. Here’s a pic of both my Buff and Lav Orpington taken today. I hunch the lavender cutie named Viola might actually be a Romeo! Anyone want to weigh in? Obvious difference in comb and wattle development, but could this one still be a pullet maturing sooner?
Here’s another pic of this little “guy” with my Dominique in the foreground
Sounds like a promising Roo! Noisy and assertive= good. Overly friendly when young and aggressive when older=bad ( or so I've learned on here :gig)

Now the big question- can we expect the fruit of his loins to be hatched and shared here, once he's old enough!? (With no roo myself I live vicariously through other people's hatches :oops:)

Congrats on your handsome little man!:wee
Because we have a closed coop and run (plenty big) I don’t think we’ll do much hatching, but a chicken mom can change her mind any time!! Thanks again to all. I post again when he’s older
Top will be covered as well... work in progress. We have ever darn chicken predator known to man in the ‘hood! Coyotes, raccoons, foxes, bobcats, wandering domestic dogs, and tons of hawks. These guys will live in the largest rabbit cage ever built! HA!!

Fantastic space!!! We're lucky in both density of predators and the layout of our acre so mine free roam our acre by day but that is giving me serious run envy!!!
I wish they could free-range (I think my newly ID’d roo would be much happier!!), but way too dangerous both day and night. Saw a coyote crossing the highway just yesterday... so brazen!

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