LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I work for a local homeschooling program. They have me working there as a ‘peer mentor.’ (I graduated class of 2020) A lot of the time with these younger folks, they had to be stuck away from others during the most impressionable times of their life. I was eighteen when things shut down here, and it still affected me greatly. I think it would be even worse for kids who were probably 11-14 at the time. My sister is 10 1/2 years younger than me, she’s 10 now, and I honestly think the pandemic traumatized her.

It’s not always the parents in my opinion. Even naturally good natured kids with good parents are acting out. It’s hard to get the high school students to engage with anything at all.
I rarely see good teenagers unless their parents are with them or if they're in public helping an elderly. Even then, I usually overhear them talking about how their parents raised them to always look out for others.
Speaking of broodies (sorry fluffy!!)
Dougie is doing amazingly. Unfertilised eggs, I feel a bit mean. But it's a necessary evil, to stop her from laying eggs.

She's so committed. I knew she'd be a good broody. Hopefully it'll work out when I eventually give her some hatching eggs.

And also, no more angry vacuum noises! Which is nice

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