LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I found out the real reason they all unfriended me.
Another person who was friends with all of us and is still friends with me said that they were constantly talking crap about me behind my back and never actually liked me to begin with.
They were tired of me constantly joining them every day in every game. They wanted space from me and would always talk about it whenever I got off.
BUT...they never spoke to me about this. I would have understood if they talked to me but they didn't.
I also found out that the reason Autumn even added me last year was because she felt sorry for me.
That is horrible :(
I'm so sorry you're going through this :hugs
My first obvious male of Cochin Mama's babies. Think the first cochin is also male, I'll have to look today. Hoping most are since I'll be processing almost every chick broodies hatch, it's easier for me to process if they're extra boys

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