Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

got any pix??
hi i have a copper black in my flock she is stunning but she has feathered legs great in france
but in england they must have bare legs she lays very dark brown eggs anyway i asked a breeder
i know and he said marans because they lay dark brown eggs breeders breed them for that reason
and so the standard drops this is fine if like me you keep them as pets but if its show birds you
want get yourself a poultry club list of standards i could breed from mine but because of her legs
i could never show her i was wondering if you have a usa standard if not get the poultry club of
g b online they will have the web site of the maran breeders club and you will get the standard
their bob on so i reckon if you go with that you will be ok
best of luck
Hi retired Ron,


have you figured out how to send pictures yet? I had trouble with that at first also but thankfully somebody told me how to do it and it worked great for me. If you need help just let me know.
I bought some Black Copper, Blue, and Splash Marans. They are about 6 weeks old. I noticed when I was worming they have deformed feet and green instead of orange eyes. Suggestions?
I wanna see a green eyed chicken! I'll be looking to get some Cuckoo Maran pullets to make Sexlinked OEs with my Blue Ameruacana.
I am down to two BCM Roosters. I had three, but he decided to flog anyone that went into the coop, so he became delicious. I have about five hens at the moment that give us some wonderful eggs. I have about 20 more of her sisters for the Wade Jean line about to join them out there. I am waiting for the temperature to even out. I value my BCM's and am setting them up to eventually be a breeding group. I am impressed not only with the dark shells, but the density of them. You have to take some effort to crack them. I am pleased that so far all of them have been fertile. So, by Spring/Early summer there will be 25 girls pushing out those lovely dark eggs. I also have Blue/Splash Americaunas (Not Easter Eggers) in another pen, if I get the urge to make OE's. The one thing I like about my BCM's is they are the quickest to mature and the quickest to start laying.

Here is the Maran Rooster - is he a Blue Cooper or a Splash?
I think this male is a crossbred bird,,, NOT a Marans,,, his comb seems incorrect....hence, the incorrect coloring.
I think it's the French version that has the feathered legs and the American version does not. I dont know for sure though, but I am also interested. I have 4 marans, two with feathered legs and 2 without.

ETA: All my marans were ordered from the same time from the same hatchery. The two feathered legged ones are white marans and the other two are a splash and a golden cuckoo.
ALL varieties of Marans bred to the APA standard ( American) should have feathered legs / outer toe.

I am not sure about the French vs. American debate, but from what I have read cuckoo marans do not have feathered feet.
Again,,, ALL varieties of Marans bred to the APA standard should have feathered legs and outer toe,,,, even Cuckoo.
Cuckoo lines that are clean legged are most likely from British lines,,, no reason we shouldn't be trying to put feathers on them to meet the proposed American standards.

I have been breeding Black Copper Marans For 2 Straight years now on to my 3rd My lines consist of Bev Davis and a direct import line from greenfire farms. I love these birds more and more every year. they are producing very big beautiful healthy chicks and are feathering out to the uk standard very nicely. i recently got some of the wheaten Marans stock from Cackle hatchery to try and see even though im not the biggest fan of a hatchery i think they are doing a great job i stopped and actual got to talk to jeff at cackle hatchery and one of the breeders and what i heard was like magic to my ears they actualy knew what they were talking about and very informational on the breed standards as far as the uk goes and there breeding pens. Like every marans or chicken breeder knows nothing is 100% perfect you still have culling based on color, uniformaty, comb, fethering, leg color, eye color, and breed standard.
Please explain why you and Cackle hatchery would adhere to the UK standard when selling in the US, especially when the American standard calls for feathered shanks ???
Was the reference to the " UK standard " made in error ?
I am assuming your Bev and Greenfire stock would have feathered shanks, like the American and French standard calls for.

I bought some Black Copper, Blue, and Splash Marans. They are about 6 weeks old. I noticed when I was worming they have deformed feet and green instead of orange eyes. Suggestions?
Eye color should change to orange / bay with maturity.

What sort of deformed feet are you seeing ??? Curled Toes ? Webbed toes ? Shorter outer toe ?

Rudimentary toe is somewhat common in Marans, not a major fault, but something to breed away from when possible.
Feather-footed breeds are known to carry this trait, it is genetic,, the outer toe can be smaller in size and sometimes have no toenail. It is NOT considered a major fault or DQ in show poultry. Not desirable, but not horrible either.
Well, Maybe it is a blessing in disguise if he was a mix. I purchased what was supposed to be pure bred Marans. All the hens look like they are and their eggs are nice and dark some w/speckles. However, I've had to re-home the beautiful Rooster as he was attacking all 3 of my children, including the teens, myself and the duck. After re-cooperating the duck, I decided Mr. Roo had to go. So I drove 3 hrs one way to get a Blue Cooper Marans in GA that was 9 months of age and did not attack. He is doing his job with all my hens and although he is intimidating due to his size, he doesn't attack and only runs up to us for food as he's learned to do from my hens. He just wants his first, I think. Although, unfortunately he did attack the duck. I've made peace my putting the duck (male) in the the male goat pen to free range with them. He seems happy enough and on occasion one or two hens come over to visit, but the Rooster is too big to fit under the gate like they do. So for the moment all is well.

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