Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

The silvers kinda look columbian.... is that right? Is that the look they should have or is it different from the columbian look?

Becky, don't even think about it! You are going to drag me down with you if you go down that road!
okay I am lost.... which one is a silver? I am seeing things... Deleware and birds with yellow in the legs and beaks....Is it my monitor?
The silvers kinda look columbian.... is that right? Is that the look they should have or is it different from the columbian look?

Becky, don't even think about it! You are going to drag me down with you if you go down that road!
columbians are reversed. Mainly white body, but with black neck with white edging and darker primary wing feathers with a gray underfluff so to speak
okay I am lost.... which one is a silver? I am seeing things... Deleware and birds with yellow in the legs and beaks....Is it my monitor?
haha...the middle pic is a silver marans. She has white legs with white leg feathering. I'm not sure if its your monitor. They first and third I'm not sure about. The third do you see delaware too? She got a batch of chicks that were mixed and is trying to identify them. The middle and third are taken care of, just don't know what that first one is. I've never really raised red based birds tho, so any guesses anyone?
haha...the middle pic is a silver marans. She has white legs with white leg feathering. I'm not sure if its your monitor. They first and third I'm not sure about. The third do you see delaware too? She got a batch of chicks that were mixed and is trying to identify them. The middle and third are taken care of, just don't know what that first one is. I've never really raised red based birds tho, so any guesses anyone?
With those yellow legs, I say he is a Marans cross of some sort? Can't really see the one you are calling a Welsummer, could it be a Gold Salmon Marans? Gees, all these new colors, I feel so plain Jane!
I'm getting excited Debbi....there's gonna be another mass exodus here over the next couple of weeks. Don't you love it when you wake up one day and you know exactly which birds you want to put the work into and the ones you don't? This is going to be a very good year for me I believe in the bird department. Now to just get the garden whipped into shape some more so I can say the same!
Welsummer? Did I say one was? I think I might need more sleep haha
No you didn't say Welsummer, she did. Yes, getting rid of some more here too. Going to sell off the Partridge Silkie flock, as I am interested in other colors, and need the space! I can use their pen temporarily for the Wheatens when they hatch!

Yeh, talk about the garden. I've got to get in mine today and do some heavy weeding! That darned nut sedge sprouts up over night, and I haven't been in there for 2 days to weed. Going to lay some plastic down and cover it with straw, that is if my neighbor comes through with the straw like he said... My FREE potatoes are coming up!!!

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