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Giselle was full of it yesterday! You'd have gotten a kick out of his antics, Vicki.

He escaped into the front of the truck two or three times, got me in the back of the head with his elbow when I was holding him and I still have a goose bump, got my hand with one of his feet and it's bruised... such a stinker. I bet he's happy we forced him to go now though, no other ganders to boss him around and a couple of ladies all his own...
The 2 beautiful Brahma pullets are doing great! So very friendly!
My daughter was petting them when the girls noticed her black fingernail polish. They thought it looked tastey! LOL!
It was really great to meet KrisRose, chickflick and Olive Hill.
Thanks again for the wonderful day! (and the girls!)

JC goes to his new home today. It's a good thing too! His "almost" crowing is getting louder!
It was so much fun at your house, Olive Hill! Was a pleasure to meet you and justcelia. I love meeting BYCers and putting faces to the faceless names we see every day! We stopped my HoustonsHappyHens on our way home and picked up a chicken for Krisrose and had a great visit there, too! Nancy gave us leeks, so that covered up the smell from the gander's gifts!
They all made it home safely. Great road trip!
Happy Halloween. Hope you all have a great day and hope no one gets egged or TP'd!
I've also had the pleasure of meeting a few BYCers as well! I've met CricketYang (although I knew her before I joined here...she introduced me to BYC), vicki2x2, Mom 2em All, and Tiempo (haven't seen her in forever!). Hopefully I get to meet others some day
Mornin Kristen and Rose:

Thanks again for taking Henrietta to her new home and Kristen, you'll have to let me know how she's doing.

Here's the site I was telling you about yesterday regarding the poop hammocks....I think there was something else I was going to send to you but I can't remember!


Sam: you and I had talked about Buff Brahma's and you told me about a bird that looked similar but it was a different breed. What was that breed again? Here is is not even winter and I'm already thinking about new birds for spring'11!

Looks like the sun is finally beginning to peak out here in Dewitt - Enjoy your day everyone!
I never seen so much poop out of one goose!!! All over the passenger seat where Chickflick was riding shotgun!!! LOL and STINK
!! Giselle even got over a cattle panel Olive Hill gave me to keep him in the back. Good thing we got them leeks from Nancy. Nobody was going to carjack my truck with the goose poop and leek aroma wafting out the windows!! Great fun!
When we got Giselle home the box he was in was oozing liquid out the side. Yuck! Once we got him in the backyard he did spent time hissing at me than got in Big Goose Lake and stayed there for about 45 mins. Splashing and grooming while I foamed up the interior of my truck with Spotshot!!! He now has young Jazzabelle following him around with love in her eyes.
Going to work this morning I though I was going to die. The toxic fumes from the Spotshot cleaner about killed me!
Nancy- Henrietta is doing good. Still in a cage in coop. I let her out and she went right into a nest box and layed a soft shelled egg. Too upset ot eat it
!!! Several hens challeged her, include my little SLW. She is back in the cage till I have some time to watch her. I will keep you posted, too sleepy to type!!
Hi All:

I hope everyone had a fun weekend. We did not get any trick-or-treaters, so I am enjoying the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups myself.

I did a fun little sewing project tonight...My chickens' food came in a pink plastic bag this month (for breast cancer awareness month). Usually these bags are blue and paper, so I wanted to do something special with this one. I made it into a reusable shopping bag.


I used the instructions I found on this site. It turned out pretty nice, I think.
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