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Boyd, I hope your feeling better

went to Rhandi's MJ yesterday she wasn't feeling good, Rick was there, and his daughter was sick and he was taking her to the Doc, I hope they all get better soon.

That Darn little bantam is now going after the willsummer girl, I will have to take pics of this its just to funny

I got 4 black east indie ducks from MJ, i got 3 back in the first of july and 2 more yesterday, and i think i only have 1 girl, oh my,. i guess i will have to find 2 more girls, my 2 DD will have a break downs if i get ride of any of the boys. and one out there knowing of any one selling BEI girls let me know.

I just cant get over this weather, its been nice over a week now..

i put in strawberries this spring and they are going crazy, the place i got them from said to keep picking off the blooms so next year i have bigger plants, I got 3 different kind one of them keeps having blooms on it still.
I wish i could help but i have no idea, the only thing i can think of is to wrap something around her body to keep the wings tight to her body tell it heals
I hope she gets better soon,
I would put some electrolytes in the water to keep the extra vits in her to help with the stress.
Hope you feel better soon Boyd. I have been nursing a cold for about a week, no fever though. Just head cold.
chickeemamma, hope your hen does ok. I have one with a prolapse right now. not sure if she is gonna make it. I had one with a hurt wing once, raccoon did it. she never did fly right, but she made it. I cleaned the wound everyday x2 and applied blu cote. only had her and one other chicken, so I let them stay together. She healed but it took awhile.

Good luck.
Thanks guys. The hen seems to be doing okay, as good as she can be with a broken wing. I bet I did swing the door shut on her yesterday. I feel really bad about it! I am wondering if she has something else wrong, too because she is hobbling along. I am thinking that nothing else is broken -- just hurts and is probably bruised.
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Okay now I love cooking and baking, but I feel a little bored with it all right now. I don't even feel like cooking. Maybe it is because I've been canning alot lately and baking quickbreads for the freezer (trying to use up zucchini). When I've been canning and then dinner time rolls around, I just don't feel like cooking. So tonight is a crock pot meal (pork chops, potatoes, onions, cream of mushroom soup, salt and pepper). Anybody else sick of making dinner at the moment?
Good Morning!

Oh no Boyd on being sick! At least since you are the first in your family to get it, you can care for anyone in your family if they get sick

Waiting for 20 minutes of reading to finish up for the girls, then science and history before lunch!

Chilly morning, but looks like it is warming up.


PS- You are all right, things are quiet with Opa and MJ not on!
I know, I am dreading having 6 sick girls in the house. As soon as I feel better I am going to stock up on TP and mop buckets.... just in case

I miss Opa and MJ being on here. Hey did ya'll ever figure out how MJ broke her fingers yet?
I have a nasty head cold, so I am sick and don't feel like cooking dinner. I had high hopes this morning of baking, but now I can't breathe. Lack of oxygen puts a damper on life. I did get up the gumption to pull venison burger out of the freezer----I'll make sloppy joes and call it good.

ps Cat------tell me how the thick tortillas are if you make them. On an indian reservation out in New Mexico I had a hamburger, but instead of being on a regular bun it was served with the fixins' wrapped up in a thick tortilla. It was soooo yummy. We had went to their annual fiesta de san juan. It cracked me up----it was like any small town's homecoming festival. We were there for the parade------the football team was on a float just like here in town, all the fire trucks were in the parade blowing their horns and little indian children were running out in front of floats to grab candy.
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I think I have a couple hens going broody already on me. They have barely been laying a month? One is a silkie, not a real big suprise there. She was laying an egg every morning by 8am. No egg today, and she keeps getting into the nest boxes even if there is anther chicken in it. She slept in it all night too. The other one is a BO. I toke her out of the nest box and now she is grumpy and ruffeling her feathers at everyone with a little growl to her. She looks like MJ broody hen but hers was black.
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