Montana Chickens


Feb 1, 2016
What type of breed would you all suggest for our colder climate? I live in SE Montnana - and I'm looking for a breed that lays large eggs - great yolks .... I'm basically wanting the caddy of chickens lol .... We have an issue with predators of course so I plan on doing a coop with a fully enlosed area for them to roam without the fear of flying or ground predators - I'm also new and have yet to purchase anything yet as I want to make sure I get it right the first time - I'd hate to loose or have a chicken hurt because I didn't inform myself or prepare for weather and such .... Thanks guys!
Hi again,

Whilst I'm not very well up on specific breeds (we don't have such luxuries here in kenya) i would suggest you take a look at the breeds forum, or even the reviews to the right hand side of this post to get you started. Whatever you decide, it may be an idea to get a few breeds so you can judge for yourself which ones suit you and your climate the best. Your state thread may also be a good source of advice.
I'm sure @Blooie can give you some great ideas! :)

Otherwise, I have several breeds in northern CO, and the ones that do the best for me are Barred Rocks, EEs, and Red Stars. Those are the 3 breeds out if mine that laid all winter, had no frostbite issues, and they're also good dual purpose.

Wyandottes are great with the cold, but aren't as good of layers; Anconas are awesome layers but the big combs got frostbit pretty bad this winter; the silly things decided to roost in a tree during a blizzard, lol lucky they survived when the fell out covered in ice the next morning. My bad, lol, I force them in now ;)

The EEs seem to do the best with the cold here, as far as nobody getting frostbit or looking shabby; they have pea combs, so they don't get frozen as easy.
I live in NW Montana. I averaged 6 eggs a day with 8 first year pullets. The breeds are Wyandottes, Orpington, EE, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire, Jersey Giant, Barred Rock, and White Leghorn. Best layer was the Leghorn. Fewest eggs came from the EE.

None got frostbite in the unheated coop. The coop was built for Montana winters with lots of vent area but no drafts on the girls. The pop door was left open all the time Ieading into a run with sides covered in clear plastic to block the wind.
Oops...Got sent before I was done. Water and food kept in the wind free run. Watering system worked great and never froze. It was a clear plastic 10 gallon tote (so I could see when it needed filled), horizontal nipples, and a stock tank deicer that could be used in a plastic container. Many use a similar system with a 5 gallon bucket instead of a tote. I also surrounded the whole run and coop with electric poultry netting to give the girls about 1000 square feet of area to roam. Had to add the protection as we have our share of hungry predators.

My suggestion would be to get several breeds and figure out which ones work best for you.
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