My Blue Andalusians are PIGS!!


11 Years
Jun 18, 2008
East Tennessee
They are the first to the treat bowl and the last to leave. When they see me headed toward the coop, they pace anxiously back and forth. The only thing they don't like so far is apples. Yesterday I had some cold oatmeal left over. Millie was jumping up and down to see what was in the bowl.

Silly chickens.
Ya know, most of the things I have read say they don't like people very much. Mine are so friendly. They love to see me coming toward the run (although it could be the treats
My Andalusians are super-duper!
I have one that rides on my shoulder. They're very interested in people, and certainly the snacks we give them.
I had read that they avoid people, but decided to give them a try anyway, because I wanted blue chickens, and I could get them sexed. From Day 1 they have been my friendliest chickens. When all the other chicks feared my hand coming into the brooder, the little Andalusians would run up to it. They were so bold and curious!

They are 4 months old now, and I look like a Blue Andalusian totem pole standing in the yard. Fortunately they learned to not poop on me anymore.

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