My Buff stopped laying !


In the Brooder
Sep 18, 2016
After the first week and a half of 1 egg a day, although small, she just stopped. I don't know why, unless she just needed a break. She seems tired and quiet for a few days, but then she started her quacking and running around with her three young chickens like before, but no eggs yet after about 2 weeks. I'm just happy she is back to her old self, but still wonder what happened. I did feed them some table scrapes the night before she stopped along with their regular feed. Could that have caused her to stop?
Chickens,Ducks tend to do that they will also stop laying for a while once they lay there first egg.Hope she starts laying soon best of luck
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Thanks! Me too! This is a pic of her in my lap at about 3 1/2 months old and one now under the coop I built for her and the chickens.
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I think she must be about 6 months old now. We got her in the spring, April I think and she started laying about a month ago for a week and a half and quit. Don't know why.
1. The age of the duck – as they get older the amount of eggs may reduce.
2. The health of the duck – illness or parasites can hinder laying.
3. The time of year – the length of daylight can affect egg production.
4. Changes in the type of food given – this may cause problems as the nutritional content of the food may vary.
5. The introduction of new birds to the flock – this may cause undue stress for the duckss as they re-establish a pecking order.
6. Significant changes in routine – can cause stress for the birds.
7. Housing conditions – unclean, overcrowded, dark and cold conditions can cause stress and or illness which may affect egg production.
8. Handling and movement of the birds – transporting ducks, overhandling, incorrect handling and sudden handling may hinder laying if this causes stress for the birds.
9. Vermin and predators – the presence of rats, mice, cats, dogs and foxes may frighten the birds or cause undue stress.
10. Become broody – the duck stops laying because she wants to sit on a nest of eggs and hatch them.
The first thing I would do is look around your yard/run to see if she is hiding her eggs. Check under bushes and such. Ducks are notorious for changing their nesting spots once the eggs are taken. When it comes to hiding eggs, the Easter Bunny has nothing on my girls.

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