"MY Fake Baby"

Laparoscopic surgery, where they basically just make a teeny tiny incision (usually in your bellybutton, so it's invisible) and go in with a teeny tiny camera looking for abnormal tissue. If they get rid of any, it's usually by burning it off, which is temporary at best.

Although, in the interest of full disclosure, I should say that no one found my tumor with a lap. Heck, the doctor here even opened me up and removed an ovary, and STILL missed it. It was behind my uterus, and they just didn't look. Nice, huh?

Dr. Cook also says that a large number of his endo patients present with hernias, and I had a large double hernia myself. That is where a good deal of my pain came from. Most doctors will try to tell you that "women don't get hernias," because they don't know how to find them. I actually saw a hernia specialist here at home who flat out told me "you don't present with hernia," just months before I had the giant double hernia repaired by Dr. Cook's team.

OMG.. I have a belly button hernia! YOu cant see it...could this be part of it???? You can feel it and it VERY painful...i almost pass out when someone is "examining" it. It moves in and out of my belly button. So funny this is where this post ended up talking about was hernias because when you were tlaking about cutting the bellybutton i got sick im getting hot flashes righ tnow thinking about my painful belly being cut! OUCH!
and who woulda thought BBC's doll freak show would bring us onto all these subjects lol

ok monarc my best advice is to stop and call your dr first thing in the morning so we dont fill your head with things and scare tha bajesus outta you lol when ever i have the same symptoms as other people i start freaking out and then ill end up NOT having cancer and itll be the common cold lol
Hysto should be the absolute last-ditch tactic...and it doesn't always make it stop. I had endometrial tissue alllllll over the place, not just in my uterus. Even now, I'm risking regrowth, because I am taking supplemental estrogen (I went mildly INSANE without it after the hyst). You don't want that yet.

Here's what I would do, before you even make an inquiry to your ins. co.:

Go in for a regular dr. appointment, which is covered by insurance. Get your GP to refer you to a good OB/GYN (or your regular one, if you like them). Or just go see the GYN without a referral--however your insurance covers GYN appointments.

Once you see your GYN, you speak to him/her bluntly, honestly, and FORCEFULLY about ALL your symptoms. Write them down ahead of time. Tell them in no uncertain terms what your quality of life is. Describe these periods--that seems to get their attention more than anything. Definitely describe bladder and bowel irregularities. If you're like me, you'll cry while you're telling all this...but THAT'S OK. It drives your point home. If you're not working, really lean on these symptoms as the main factor in that. In short, you MAKE THEM LISTEN. Then you MAKE THEM ACT.

That doctor WILL refer you for surgery. (Or they'll suggest Lupron, but don't even get me started--if you have a doctor who's pushing Lupron therapy, find another doctor.) Once that referral is in order, THEN contact the insurance company. Better yet, let the GYN's office do that for you. Believe me, they will let you know if there's a problem with your insurance.

OK, endo speech over for now. But I will be hassling you from now on, now that I know about these issues you're having!

Oh, and not for nothing, but I did get pregnant twice and have one baby with ONE lone ovary! If you're missing one, or one has atrophied, you know what? The other one just picks up the slack! The human body is amazing.
geeez ninja ONE LONE OVARY i have TWO and cant get them to get their SHIZ together to give me a baby lol
pahahhaa! To be honest im not freaked out, more so interested. And even if they do find something bad and i need major surgery. I've never been afraid of surgery. I am afraid for everyone else when they go in for it but me meh! LOL I had surgery on my sinous cavities when I was a kiddo and i thought it was the coolest thing in the world! LOL! I have a scar on my upper gumline that feelspretty funky now lol. I had pollyups in my sinous cavity (a pretty rare issue).

I have connective tissue disorders too thanks to my mommers...she has lupus, and even though I dont have lupus, I have some of her symptoms... Reynauds disease, spider vien whatever it's called, and hypermobility
Oh, honey, yes. Mine was inguinal, not umbilical, but still. How long have you had it? The theory is that the endometrial tissue, as it grows, is pulling on your muscle tissue, and possibly stretching it and spreading it apart in places, allowing the hernia to pop out. YOU TELL THE DOCTOR THAT, TOO! Especially if it's painful to TOUCH!

OK, the time has come to stop being "tough." Got it? Take it from me, it doesn't get better with time, and you don't want to look back 10 years from now and think how you could have been better while you were still young.
Women who have immune disorders in their family are more likely to have endo, because that's pretty much what endo is.

When you say "hypermobility," do you mean like joints that are too lax? Because I have that, ever since I was pregnant! "Pubis symphisis dysfunction." Sometimes it feels like my legs are going to fall off at the hip joint.
Hysto should be the absolute last-ditch tactic...and it doesn't always make it stop. I had endometrial tissue alllllll over the place, not just in my uterus. Even now, I'm risking regrowth, because I am taking supplemental estrogen (I went mildly INSANE without it after the hyst). You don't want that yet.

Here's what I would do, before you even make an inquiry to your ins. co.:

Go in for a regular dr. appointment, which is covered by insurance. Get your GP to refer you to a good OB/GYN (or your regular one, if you like them). Or just go see the GYN without a referral--however your insurance covers GYN appointments.

Once you see your GYN, you speak to him/her bluntly, honestly, and FORCEFULLY about ALL your symptoms. Write them down ahead of time. Tell them in no uncertain terms what your quality of life is. Describe these periods--that seems to get their attention more than anything. Definitely describe bladder and bowel irregularities. If you're like me, you'll cry while you're telling all this...but THAT'S OK. It drives your point home. If you're not working, really lean on these symptoms as the main factor in that. In short, you MAKE THEM LISTEN. Then you MAKE THEM ACT.

That doctor WILL refer you for surgery. (Or they'll suggest Lupron, but don't even get me started--if you have a doctor who's pushing Lupron therapy, find another doctor.) Once that referral is in order, THEN contact the insurance company. Better yet, let the GYN's office do that for you. Believe me, they will let you know if there's a problem with your insurance.

OK, endo speech over for now. But I will be hassling you from now on, now that I know about these issues you're having!

Oh, and not for nothing, but I did get pregnant twice and have one baby with ONE lone ovary! If you're missing one, or one has atrophied, you know what? The other one just picks up the slack! The human body is amazing.

Ah i feel like an expert now on what to do!!! I need to make my gyno listen. You know you're going to yell at me but because of this issue, I havent went back to get my yearly check up in YEARS! Anytime I do I half buttedly explain what's going on and I know I may it sound *normal* and I get told to buy metimusil and such lol. So.. yes I need to do more I need to write it all down and whip out the tummy! "LOOK....THIS...THIS is NOT all fat...this is BLOAT>.....B. L. O. A. T. BLOAT! LOL!

I'm excited now...maybe FINNALLY I can get something done...

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