My turn to rant... food bank food

I get plenty of expired cans from the local food pantries here in town. I pick and choose if they are within six months after their expired dates, they are fine. Anything else, they will get tossed in the garbage except for canned veggies which my chickens will devour them. The pastas get cooked up and tossed to the girls.

Had plenty of meat that was thawed and refroze and tasted horrible!

As for the overweight folks, well I can not comment too much because what if they do have a medical problem. I have seen "rich" folks going to Aldi's to buy food and they complain that they can not afford to buy their brand named foods.

As for dented canned foods, I play it safe not eating them. Slightly dented, not a problem but the ones that really are dented, nope!
I dont believe you. Serious?

You gonna test that theory? Cause iam not...

Spam however DOES last for all eternity. and I HAVE had occasion to prove said theory. Maybe not into indefinity- but at least a few years past the "use by" date.

Yepper, it's been tested and supposedly the stuff keeps forever which is as good a reason as any for learning to make your own homemade mayo I think.....And I believe you're right about the spam thing too. Didn't they use it as rations in the war or something and then whatever didn't get used was used in the next war?

Yesss. I hate the stuff. Its like canned chunks of hell. Its like they were TRYING to demoralize our troops or something. yeesh.

Grains last an eternity. If we're all trying to think of things to stock up on. lol.
I do understand the whole nice car bit.. That ticks me. But I don't think it's right saying someone who's fat shouldn't be at the food bank.

And I guess to get back on track, who even cares if they are since they are only getting expired food LOL
"Fatties feel no shame! The foods second best and out dated anyway! Come one come all!"

I know I'd feel less bad about it that way. Its like when I had acne and would eat out, everyone was judging me. I KNEW IT.

"Stop eating this crappy food you greasy cow and go eat a salad!"

Draw the line between caddys and fatties.
Dude, just because someone's 300 pounds doesn't mean they don't need to eat and can't be starving LOL

yes, i can attest to that..i am a pretty large girl and i am always starving to death!

Yepper, it's been tested and supposedly the stuff keeps forever which is as good a reason as any for learning to make your own homemade mayo I think.....And I believe you're right about the spam thing too. Didn't they use it as rations in the war or something and then whatever didn't get used was used in the next war?

Yesss. I hate the stuff. Its like canned chunks of hell. Its like they were TRYING to demoralize our troops or something. yeesh.

Grains last an eternity. If we're all trying to think of things to stock up on. lol.

See what they have fed the Civil War soldiers back in those days....fatbacks and hardtacks! Thats worse than Spam!
no wonder so many died of dysentery!
Yesss. I hate the stuff. Its like canned chunks of hell. Its like they were TRYING to demoralize our troops or something. yeesh.

Grains last an eternity. If we're all trying to think of things to stock up on. lol.

See what they have fed the Civil War soldiers back in those days....fatbacks and hardtacks! Thats worse than Spam!
no wonder so many died of dysentery!

This is true. I dont think war really has a good track record for feeding troops.

Unless its today where they have KFC's on most bases over seas. lol.

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