Need help with pregnant lab...*update*still no pups :(

I think you have to go into your first post and click edit.
What a great pic and such adorable puppies! We lost our old yeller lab this past Jan. I really do love those brown ones.
Now I'm too old
to keep up with energetic labs (first 3 years) but I do love them.
She should have chocs and blacks again. We studded our black lab Tonka out to a yellow female several years ago and bless their hearts got 2 chocolates and 9 blacks. Not a single yellow in the bunch. Parents were so upset. They had hoped for a few yellows in the litter. Nature will give you what it gives you! We hope to get chocs and blacks again.
They were so pretty...we got a phone call on the puppies' first birthday. Linda, one of the ladies that purchased a chocolate female from us, called to tell us that Turtle is awesome and is totally her best friend. She brings her the phone, drinks from the fridge, cigarettes, cell phone, picks up her own toys and puts them in the toy box....but does like to chew the spindles on the back porch railing.
It's nice to get feedback from people. We even had a veteranarian's wife call us wanting a puppy after she saw one of our puppies come in for a visit and she commented on how well mannered and beautiful he was. He had a stocky head like Tonka, he was just huge. Tonka was that way when he was a puppy, that's why we named him Tonka cause he was like a little truck, he was so big and solid.

Maggie is still laying around and she is sticking really close to me today. Chad is taking the kids to my grandmother's house for the weekend so I am going to stay here with her so that it's quiet and hopefully she can have the babies in peace. I really do think she should have them by the end of the weekend. If she doesn't I'll try to take her to the vet but I am going to give it a few more days.

I haven't taken her temp today but I will before I go to bed tonight. She's licking herself right now...maybe I'll take it sooner...hmmmm

OH lori that is a good sign, licking her womanly parts I am assuming, Mine did start into labor and that is how she started...just licking incessantly, that is what woke me up her licking and I thought good lord what could she be licking so hard, I came in and there it was baby #1!!!! I couldn't remember what woke me up till you said she was licking.
She's still chillin guess is sometime Sunday. I am going to take her for a walk tomorrow morning and see if that will help get things worked with my daughter! At this point I am desperate, I'll try anything! I really just hope that the puppies are okay and that she hasn't miscarried or had any problems that we don't know about. If we don't get any puppies by Monday I'm going to the vet to check.

As for number and color...I learned not to try to predict that...I'll be happy with whatever I get! I do want chocolates though...they are so pretty.
Okay, no puppies yet but her temp is down to 99.5!!!!

I am cautiously optomistic that it will happen tomorrow....Chad has been ridiculously pessimistic and I'm over it. Maggie is laying around a lot and is just going outside to pee and get water. She did eat breakfast this morning so I am thinking maybe sometime tomorrow.

What do you guys think???
Watch how many times she goes out to pee today, probably will be a lot. no bladder room.

I would say late tonight , since it is calm in your house, she is probably thinking aaahhhhh I can relax and have these puppies!

Check her temp about 3:00 and see what it is, like Vicki2X2 said above it should drop a little more then puppies.

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