New baby ducks--HELP!!


12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
Merit, Tx
Our momma duck just hatched 4 adorable baby ducklings yesterday. We were so happy for her. She sat on some stolen chicken eggs last summer and nothing ever happened. She was so upset that she stomped around quacking for a week. So when she started laying on her own eggs this time I was a little concerned for her. But all turned out well! They are so cute. My question is--I have put out some chickstarted in a shallow dish and another shallow dish with water. What else do they need? Will they automatically eat and drink from the dishes or do I need to dip their beaks in the water? The momma doesn't like me in there with them so I'm trying to limit my visits. I only go in to take food and water to them. Any suggestions?
If they are in with Mama, she will show them how to drink and eat. Watch though to be sure they drink at least once within a 2 hour period. If not, go out and ignore Mama and dip their bills. If they're thirsty they will drink, if not they'll run back to Mama and chances are they've been drinking without you seeing it.
I would get them some gamebird feed or a meat bird starter if you can. Chick starter is OK, but the gamebird feed is better for them. Make sure it is NON medicated! Medicated feeds will kill them!
Thank you soooo much! I'm gonna be out finishing the coop today with dh so I'll watch them alot. I want to make sure they are drinking because it is suppose to be in the mid 90's today with humidity already at 88%. It's horrible out there. I'll stop in tonite and get some different feed for them.

The momma is so protective. I picked up one of the babies yesterday and she pecked at my legs the whole time. The daddy just quacked and quacked at me with his wings spread out. Poor guy--about 2 weeks ago something broke into their pen and tried to get them. We found the daddy duck in the front yard with his back all bloody from being plucked clean. My basset hound was laying beside him growling at the other dogs when they walked by. She was protecting him. We found them because of her growling. She wouldn't leave his side until we got there. I doctored him up and put him back in the pen with the momma duck and they loved on each other and then she went back to work sitting on her eggs. That basset stayed right beside the pen guarding them. We so far haven't had any more breakins. Last nite the basset started guarding again. I think she realized the babies might bring up more predators. She is such a good dog.

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