Niacin help


8 Years
Apr 2, 2011
I just now read about the high niacin requirements of ducklings. I had NO idea!

My ducklings are on Purina Start & Grow (medicated) and are 9 days old. They are healthy and active as anything, but I am VERY attached to them and want to do everything right. Should I start adding niacin to their water? I have niacin right here but it is "flush free" capsules that contain 400 mg niacin and 100 mg inositol. I'm unsure if it will harm them or if I even need to do it if they aren't exhibiting leg problems.

Also, I feed them treats every day (peas, lettuce, mealworms)... should I be giving them grit?

Thanks in advance! A cute picture for your trouble:

We Love Peas! by Just In Luv, on Flickr
Very cute!

I've raised 1 group of ducklings (about to get my 2nd) and gave them the Sav-a-Chik supplement powder in their water every couple of days. They did not have any problems, but I'm also curious about this, so I'll be glad to read the answers. I got the flush free niacin before I read that it's supposed to be "non-flush free", I don't even know what that all means or what's the difference.
I can only find the Sav-A-Chik at two places online, and neither one offers rush shipping.
Darn it. (I live on an island so I can't just pop down to the feed store.)

You are right that flush-free niacin is the wrong kind. Double darn it!

I am so worried about my babies. They seem fine but it would kill me for them to develop leg problems.
I have had ducks with niacin problems leading to leg issues! My oldest developed a pretty bad shakey leg, and then the other leg went all shakey too! But dont worry, if they are fine now they should be ok to wait for any delivery your getting. My ducky's legs cleared up within 2 or 3 days after I started feeding her niacin and she is fine now. I use this and cruch it up in her food everyday.

You should be fine, but I do completely understand your worry, its only natural. Little duckies sure do like to tug on those heart strings!
American Livestock carries it. I usually get their orders in two business days. Don't know if that helps.
Thanks everyone. I actually got overnight shipping on some niacin (regular ol' nicotinic acid) from Super expensive, of course, but what can ya do? Already these little $5 ducklings are costing me an arm and a leg... just add this to the stock tank and swanky duck house and other UDH (Ultimate Duckie Habitat) supplies that I've put on the credit card this week. LOL

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