Now I know why I have so many stinkin' predators....

I've repeatedly told Kim that it's crazy the # of coons that she has! I live in a very heavily wooded area too and we don't see this kind of predator action like she does. When she told me this yesterday, it made complete sense. The worse part is that she's lost Call ducks and chickens to these coons that this nutty neighbor is feeding. I'm the confrontational type so I'd definitely be confronting her.

I like the idea of stacking bodies up outside her front door.
any chance this woman thinks by feeding the wildlife, she is protecting livestock? Maybe she thinks if pred's belly is full of her offerings, it won't need to hunt?
Well if it werent for the dozen other evil deeds that she has done over the last 4 years, I would definitely consider it.
Normally I am the eternal optimist...except for with this neighbor.
Oh sure that'll do it. Then who will feed the chickens when your in jail?

They could just eat the scraps meant for the predators. lol

I would not burn her house down even if the chickens would be hungry until one of my BYC friends got here to tend them
I love reading all the wonderful suggestions. Before you do anything spiteful to your neighbor, even though you know she wont listen. You really should go and ask her to stop doing that and why she should. Assume she is ignorant. Maybe take a dozen eggs as a gift. If you approach it gently, she just might soften up a little. I bet you would appreciate it if the table was turned. I have neighbor issues myself, and nothing like having an enemy next door. The worst that can happen is that she will shoot you in cold blood and put your body on the property line, but that is unlikely.

If she reacts in an unpleasant way, then you have justification for retribution.
Moabite has a good starting point. Talk to her and explain the problem. Then if she doesn't listen, offer her a gift of a live trapped coon on her front porch, and promise her that you will bring her ever single one that you trapped to visit her until she stops feeding them.
But seriously, I think the suggestion of contact your game warden and using official lines to handle this is a good way to go, as well as the fire safety people from the county to inspect where she is burning. By the way, that smoke could harm your bees, so be careful there. Besides, it sounds like she isn't above killing your bees either if you put them too close.
In the meantime, borrow a coonhound to put in the backyard to keep those coon out of your yard. They can help with critter control AND neighbor control.
I got some Longcrowers as extras this spring, and friend took them off my hands so he could annoy is complaining neighbors (his chickens were there LONG before said neighbors).
We have neighbors that are not very friendly either, but they don't do anything mean or stupid like yours.
Good luck.
If you do find a tactful way of retaliating, or if it isn't very tactful even
, please remember to share.

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