Office Work.......

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Make mental notes (and you can take that two ways) and tell us tomorrow. Believe it or not, I'll be on BYC tomorrow afternoon - my law office co-worker is taking time off and they decided they need me again.

So good to be needed!

Hi Batty! I was wondering where you were!
Do you have dreams where your front teeth break off and fall out? I do. Maybe I'm a closet redneck.
What is your company? Ugly Shoe Rednecks Inc.?

We clean poopy water. I thought you knew.

How timely, considering our lake water discusssion.

So laree is expert in all things poop water related.
Oh no, not me. But I can direct you to several exceedingly verbose men who can tell you aaaaaaallll about it. They are single and lonely, and have SO much free time to tell you all about poop.
Here we go, Timothy Leary again...

OMG you guys this has to stop I'm gonna have to get my inhaler out!

Puff Puff pass
We clean poopy water. I thought you knew.

How timely, considering our lake water discusssion.

So laree is expert in all things poop water related.

Except she can't poop in the water, herself.
Do you have dreams where your front teeth break off and fall out? I do. Maybe I'm a closet redneck.

Doesn't everyone have those?
I thought it was the dental variant of naked-at-school type dreams....
Bo used to do that to precious. Now no bo, precious has dirty ears..........poor precious.
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