Office Work.......

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So good to be needed!

Hi Batty! I was wondering where you were!

working working working....which is more than I can say for others here.......
I can't be good at EVERYTHING.

Point taken.

We should rename this thread "Splort and It's Many Incarnations".
but at least you are relatively swamp ass free.

Tell TG there are creams for that and if she bothered to routinely garden she wouldn't have so much a problem. Further, maybe she should cut back on the water intake and thus the swamp would dry up a tad.
Hi Batty! I was wondering where you were!

working working working....which is more than I can say for others here.......

I had to get DD from camp. So I totally skipped work and played instead. I'd be talking to DD, but she left me for facebook....
<shakes head>

Been watching this thread for a while... can't wait to catch back up on it from the 45 seconds it's taken me to type this. I'm sure there will be 20 new posts.

The last comment(I doubt it at this point) that was "working working working....which is more than I can say for others here......." makes me ask...

Why is the thread titled Office Work..... hehe, there doesn't seem to be much of that going on!
but at least you are relatively swamp ass free.

Tell TG there are creams for that and if she bothered to routinely garden she wouldn't have so much a problem. Further, maybe she should cut back on the water intake and thus the swamp would dry up a tad.

This is story #2. I am working on getting a picture. Tomorrow I may be getting another tinkle pill from TG.​
but at least you are relatively swamp ass free.

Tell TG there are creams for that and if she bothered to routinely garden she wouldn't have so much a problem. Further, maybe she should cut back on the water intake and thus the swamp would dry up a tad.

Don't you have to create your own miasma to get swamp ass in the desert?
Maybe you need to leave a case of talcum powder on her desk...
Do you have dreams where your front teeth break off and fall out? I do. Maybe I'm a closet redneck.

I dream that my molars fall out of my head randomly. Like oops there goes another one.

I dreamt(spell check does not like this word) this morning that I was in the midst of a nuclear attack. I had to get far away from the mushroom cloud before it descended upon the town and killed us all. I had to try and hijack a tractor trailer and run away but kept getting bogged down as I tried to save other people.
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