Office Work.......

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Oh Lori, you are the cutest! That's so ... you.

I'd love for last night's dream to come true. I had 3 baby alpacas in front of the fireplace keeping warm while I got their bottles ready. They were wearing diapers so they wouldn't make messes on the floor and DH was ticked! 'We' have a no animals in the house rule. Only exceptions are the cats, and the guinea pig (as long as it stays in the basement).

Later I was walking in dark woods and came across mountains of garbage. Turned out it was not garbage, but a little town with a farmer's market. An Amish woman sold me a pint of chicken milk that tasted nasty. She wanted me to buy the chicken she milked it from, but it was an OEGB and I was sure she was lying to me because there was NO WAY that little bitty bird produced a pint of milk. Plus, it had naked feet and I don't get birds with naked feet. The Amish woman got mad at me over that.

When I told DD about the dream she said, "Maybe she milked it every day and saved up to make the pint?"
That's my girl; Always trying to find logic in an illogical world.
[whispering quietly] Careful saying stuff like that - NellaBean just started Weight Watchers and she was always a little bit scary, so we've all been tip-toeing very, very quietly this week. You might just set her off!

Belle, Nella's only giving it a week to show results, and then she'll quit. So we might as well start saving up for more chocolate eyeballs....

Thought: Is it me, or has she been much calmer since she gave up the eyeballs?
Hey now, if I starve myself for a week I darn well better see some negative numbers on the scale. I had to weigh myself Sunday so I could weigh the little monster......if I weight the same or more next weekend, somebody dies.

Sadly, I could not find any chocolate eyeballs at the store the other day. It's a conspiracy......

Did you know a candy corn pumpkin is .6 of a point? That is ridiculous. I just smell them instead.
I think they smell better than they taste, anyway.

Do you think opening the itty bitty box of Milk Duds negates the calories of the 4 Duds within the box?
Plus there's the extra chewing since it's so darn cold in my office....
I believe that. I have a bag of candy corn next to me and the first few ingrediants are:

corn syrup
confectioner's glaze

Hmmmm....I do believe they are almost pure sugar.
Weigh your contacts or glasses first, then wear whichever is lightest. And make sure your hair is dry and you don't have deodorant or makeup on. I find that those things alone can add 12 pounds.
Weigh your contacts or glasses first, then wear whichever is lightest. And make sure your hair is dry and you don't have deodorant or makeup on. I find that those things alone can add 12 pounds.

And use the restroom first to shed however many ounces you can squeeze out....
Good day all!

Buffy, I'm here, and very proud of you.
How do your feet feel today after your workout sans footwear yesterday?

I'm supposed to be cleaning my house right now. I ate lunch, sat down on the bed for juuuust a second to pet the Spearmint cat and woke up 45 minutes later with him curled around my back and my face in a puddle of drool. How alluring.
So at the moment I'm trying to wake up before I start washing windows. Please excuse anything stranger than normal that I might say.

Beaner, one of my other cats (the Radar cat) goes in on Monday for a dental and to have a sebacious cyst removed from his lip. Estimate is between $200 and $250. I'm love rich but money poor...and really glad chickens don't have teeth.

Chicken milk...
The only way I can think of to get chicken milk is like milking a bull.
I hope you gargled with Listerine first thing this morning wegots!

So, I'm washing windows now. I remember why I only do this annually. I have bled, sworn, nearly threw a window through its screen, I'm hot, sweaty and cranky and I've washed exactly four windows. Out of 19. And two outside doors, one of which is a French door, so that's more like three doors.

I'm contemplating a life of crime simply so I can afford to pay someone else to wash my windows.
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