Office Work.......

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Don't go dealing coke yet. I do windows. I'll be right over, even if you're cranky.

And yes, my feeties do hurt a lot today, as do my calves. Note to self: wear sneakers for cardio workouts!
In awe that anyone washes their windows, especially on a schedule.

I only wash a window if they are really dirty. We have vinyl replacement windows in this house, but our old house you couldn't even open all the windows, so they were really hard to clean. Every year or so, I'd vacuum the spiders that took up residence between the windows, but that was about it. After I had Ella, my mom came to visit and she washed 2 kitchen windows inside and outside, hosed the screeens and washed the storm windows, too (took her about 2 hours). My husband looked in awe at her bottle of Windex and asked if she purchased it in Virginia or if she brought it with her from Arizona. Smart alec.
Think I will just stay in here today, as I've already been annoyed by three posts I've seen elsewhere this morning!

So, what's on everyone's agenda for today? I'm doing billing. Wheeeee!
I'm feeling domestic. I might set up my sewing machine and serger and make baby stuff. Maybe start packing a bag for the hospital stay.

The house really needs cleaning and my desk is at avalanche stage, but I think I can ignore all that.
Nope, not far at all. They are kind of joined at the hip as it were. They meld and blend and no one really knows exactly where one ends and the other begins.
I cleaned the basement, worked on a junk big screen and got cable and the wii hooked up downstairs. Now the kids have an honest to goodness hangout spot. Or I have the beginnings of a new man cave...
[making Boyd a sign that says "no kids allowed" for his door...]

Envisioning kids laughing at the sign and then walking in to hang out....
[making Boyd a sign that says "no kids allowed" for his door...]

Envisioning kids laughing at the sign and then walking in to hang out....

won't work, the sound in the TV went out

Need a new TV somehow
but I want a TV that I can put a channel block on lifetime
The usual reason. It's time to pack up my lost girl's room and that made me miss her as bad as ever. It's 14 months on Sunday. DH has to do the actual work because I walk into her room and become a puddle.

I couldn't even calm myself down with thoughts of alpacas last night. I turned DH and my cat Jezebel into nervous wrecks. I can stay tightly controlled for a good period of time, but when I blow a gasket I do a thorough job.

I will do better tonight. Exhaustion and Nyquil will make certain of that.

Ladyhawk (Cetawin) is going to send me some special white sage. She thinks turning this into less of a process and more of a ceremony will help me, and I think she's right.

It doesn't help that 2 of my newbie millies are ill, and my favorite pullet from my original birds got squashed by an overzealous silkie roo and is dying.

Plus I got in trouble with living DD for not letting her wear an inch of blue eyeshadow UNDER her eyes this morning. She likes the bruised look. I am not cool. I made her wipe it back to an eye-liners worth of 'bruise'.

Breathe in deeply through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth... repeat... repeat... repeat...

Silver-lining~ I don't get hungry when I'm upset/stressed out. So this should help with balancing out the 6 pound bag of candy I ate last week.
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