I thought about having a rooster alarm but I was worried I would ignore it. I hear roosters crowing all the time. LOL

My sister has a little rat terrier mix she calls her little Frito for this exact reason.

Very interesting. I'll be sending this link to my sister.

Now that you know it's bacteria, do you still want cheese?
Sadly yes. I clean up chicken poop, dog poop and clean 2 litter boxes on a daily basis. A little bacteria doesn't scare me. :cool:
My day did NOT start well. At 4am woke to find the dogs had a party. Furniture was tipped over, cushions in the kitchen from the sofa etc. Of course hubby was upset and cross with me.

Then the trash collectors that are NEVER here before 9 showed up at 8 promptly. I ran out dragging the can down as he paused just past my driveway then went on.
:barnie :mad:
He would of had to back up less then half a house to get mine! I called the city and they said "you're entitled to one free recall per year". Oh goodie! I had to use mine because his tatering tater couldn't back up less then 40 feet.
:rant rant over.

Going to practice the calming stretch Misty posted.

No to the smelling dog feet thing. :sick

In other news Windy seems to be feeling better. I gave mackerel in the mash today. Maybe she will eat more of her private dish in her crate.
My personal salt and pepper shakers...
I lucked out, the vet we found to care for our rats is excellent, and one of the other vets there has chickens so is willing to see ours. The only thing we habe that they won't see are the parakeets, fortunately is only 20 mins to see that vet. The other nice thing about our regular vet is that he's willing to learn, and listen when we know how to treat something and only need the med rx for it. We even get iv fluid to treat dehydration in the rats.

I love where I live, not quite city, not quite rural, just off the end of an older subdivision (mid 80s to early 90s), and on a dirt road. Fortunately, our speed control system is returning. Every so often, someone gets a wild hair and grades the road. Potholes usually stay coming back on 3 to 6 months. This time took 8 mos, but thanks to garbage trucks and ups/FedEx, they always come back, and speeders slow down again.

Time to take dogs out, then nap, cuz not being able to sleep decently totally taters.

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