:woot:wootGot 3 eggs today!!!
(And snow:he)

Also, saw my little Frannie girl with a mouthful of Sweet PDZ...:confused: I poured a bunch down after I stirred up the shavings. Usually they then mix it in scratching around. I looked down and she was shoveling it in. I screeched and shooed her. She went right over to the waterer.
Anyone else have a chicken eat Sweet PDZ?
You'll get a mixed bag of answers but I've seen mine eating it and they are all fine.
:woot:wootGot 3 eggs today!!!
(And snow:he)

Also, saw my little Frannie girl with a mouthful of Sweet PDZ...:confused: I poured a bunch down after I stirred up the shavings. Usually they then mix it in scratching around. I looked down and she was shoveling it in. I screeched and shooed her. She went right over to the waterer.
Anyone else have a chicken eat Sweet PDZ?
Congrats on the eggs! If you've got 1 from yesterday, I'd suggest a celebratory quiche ! Makes a few eggs go a long way.
Nope but mine ate a whole bunch of magic sand and survived. We had rainbow poop for a couple days but no harm no foul.
:woot:wootGot 3 eggs today!!!
(And snow:he)

Also, saw my little Frannie girl with a mouthful of Sweet PDZ...:confused: I poured a bunch down after I stirred up the shavings. Usually they then mix it in scratching around. I looked down and she was shoveling it in. I screeched and shooed her. She went right over to the waterer.
Anyone else have a chicken eat Sweet PDZ?
Ok, as promised... here is #1

I think this is Toeless. You will see they are pretty similar.

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