Hi folks! I’m still alive! Things are going well, but crazy busy.

Things with the foster kids are going well, but as to be expected, there are problems at times.

5 weeks ago, I did something stupid and the Milk Drinker got hurt. I had him and Thing 2 in a Sam’s club cart. I stepped up on the front and started pushing it with my other foot. The cart tipped towards me and I couldn’t right the cart and it went down. The Milk Drinker’s leg went under the handle of the cart and his femur was broken. Thankfully it wasn’t broke through, but cracked in the front. He gets his cast off Monday and hopefully he won’t need a second cast. He’s been doing well and learned how to walk with it on. He’s even started using it as a club. I’ll be so thankful when it’s off. The little guy turns two tomorrow. Where did the time go?


We just had a large project finished to redo and extend our driveway. We brought the rock all between the houses, widened the drive up to the end of our house and had a second drive brought up in front of our house and around the back. It cost almost $5k but it was worth it.



@Kiki look at the previous post.
Foster kids?!?!?I'm going to read back now.

That poor baby. I'm glad hims little leg is healing well. I hope you are healing well to girlfriend. I am sure that was scary.

The driveway looks great! I hope it helps to keep the mud away.
Oh. We also still have the foster boys. It is looking less and less like they will be reunified with their parents with everything that has happened and is happening. But, it’s still early days. The boys have only been in foster care for 4 months at this point.
Are you helping out a family you know? How did fostering happen?
DH and I talked about fostering before we even got married. We were thinking about entering the system when our bio kids were older, but these are kids we know through church and their mother was fine with us taking them. They also had to separate the boys. So for a situation like this where they have a chance to be placed with someone they know, the system can move very quickly to get a family certified. We still have to do a home study to make everything official. We’ll probably have to take classes after the fact as well.
Yeah, we took them in back in September. They were coming to our church with their mom which J’s how we knew about them. We got approval in December. We still need to do some classes, but we have the rest of the year to do that. The boys are 18 months and 3 months older than Thing 1. But they act a lot younger. Particularly the one closest to Thing 1’s age. But, mentally he’s closer to Thing 2 because of a stroke he had 2 years ago.
Red are you fostering to adopt the boys?

Are all the boys getting along well now?
The case hasn’t moved to termination of rights yet, but we’ll see. We are considering adopting if it comes to that.

They are getting on as well as can be expected. Thing 2 is having the hardest time adjusting I think. We’ve seen a lot of improvement in behavior from our 6yo foster. He has the most issues but he was over medicated and given no structure. So it’s taking time to figure things out.

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