
Bantam polish

White crested Splash and gold laced frizzle pullets.
Hi everyone, we did a big chicken shuffle this morning to get everyone on new ground. That wiped me OUT. I nearly blacked out at one point. I was kneeling down to tie something and stood up and my vision faded out. I really have no energy now that I’m pregnant.

Have not been to FL. One summer I drove to Alaska with a (now ex) boyfriend. 10 week trip, just had the time of my life. Alaska is really worth the trip. We rented a canoe for a week on the Mackenzie river delta, and saw the Arctic Ocean.
I went to FL for spring break one year. But we spent the entire time going to Universal, so I don’t know how much that counts. 🤣
Hi everyone, we did a big chicken shuffle this morning to get everyone on new ground. That wiped me OUT. I nearly blacked out at one point. I was kneeling down to tie something and stood up and my vision faded out. I really have no energy now that I’m pregnant.

I went to FL for spring break one year. But we spent the entire time going to Universal, so I don’t know how much that counts. 🤣
Pregnancy can do strange things to your blood pressure. Mine is naturally pretty low, and the nurse in the office where I got my check-ups while pregnant, could not find it! They were not waiting long enough before pumping up the cuff. After a couple of tries I had to educate her before I passed out. You know you have to take care, you're an old hand now! Each one can be different, though. :hugs
Well, for those who garden, imagine what your garden would look like if you ignored it from June 12th to today. And throw in horn worms as well. I have a 5 gallon bucket of overripe cucumbers and some giant yellow zucchini. Lettuce and spinach has gone to seed and a lot of the green beans have dried up but still a lot of good ones. I found one potato plant and got a few spuds, the rest I guess are going to seed for next year. I also missed my apple harvest by about two weeks. Still have to reclaim the rest of my first bed from the weeds. I've gotten most of it done, but still have more. I still have more beans to pick and clean out that bed, but making good progress. The tomatoes seem to be recovering from the horn worms and trying to bounce back so there's hope. And I did get a bunch of Jalapenos. All in all, where there's progress there's hope. I'm going to turn the cucumbers into dill slices and hope for the best. They'll just be extra seedy. I have to say that it feels good to play in the dirt again.
Well, for those who garden, imagine what your garden would look like if you ignored it from June 12th to today. And throw in horn worms as well. I have a 5 gallon bucket of overripe cucumbers and some giant yellow zucchini. Lettuce and spinach has gone to seed and a lot of the green beans have dried up but still a lot of good ones. I found one potato plant and got a few spuds, the rest I guess are going to seed for next year. I also missed my apple harvest by about two weeks. Still have to reclaim the rest of my first bed from the weeds. I've gotten most of it done, but still have more. I still have more beans to pick and clean out that bed, but making good progress. The tomatoes seem to be recovering from the horn worms and trying to bounce back so there's hope. And I did get a bunch of Jalapenos. All in all, where there's progress there's hope. I'm going to turn the cucumbers into dill slices and hope for the best. They'll just be extra seedy. I have to say that it feels good to play in the dirt again.
Sounds pretty hopeful! There would be nothing here but scorched earth, no rain to speak of so far this summer. One day -- just enough to sprout things I am trying to keep alive with the hose. I planted some chicken greens as a first step to having something grow there next summer. Planted it after the first sprinkle of monsoon rain, got one real good rain, since then nothing. My idea was to move these Barred Hollands over on the new greens after they are done with the grass on the lawn where they are. Not much green yet where I want to move them. 🥵
fortunately, we've had a lot of rain. The weeds were a good 3' tall, but the soil is loose so they come out easy. I didn't know asparagus would grow this late in the season, but it does/did. I had 6' tall frowns. I'm hoping that means the root structure is getting bigger and stronger. This is the third year for that bed and my third year growing it, so I'm learning as I go.

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