We managed to dig my sons car out. He is giving it a test go by running to the nearest store and back. He will have to be able to back into his spot at an odd angle. If it's to odd we keep digging.

Hubs is not back yet. He got a lift to go try and get the plow truck from across town. Last I heard he had to walk in about 1/2 a mile and was having to plow his way out. I think he was going to go try and clear the entrance to the tow yard too.
Well....it was sweet while it lasted.

:rant Plow truck trip #4 :rant

This time he was stopped up the road due to a broke down pickup blocking it.
Hubs caught up to him and was a whole lot nicer than I would have been.

He had to back up no matter what so hubs got him to sort of remove what he just shoved against the tow truck. My son and I re-dug his car out.

Yes you read that right. We have been plowed in 4 separate times.

The plow truck hubs went to get from across town has broken controls so was a no go.
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Looking for input here.

I have a confirmed egg eater in my pullet group. Aime is following other birds into the nest box and targeting freshly laid eggs.
For the last week I have been monitoring her movements and removing her to the run while the others end up stuck in the coop to lay without her "help".
Yesterday I didn't do that and there were 2 destroyed eggs.
I just ran her out of the nest where she was bugging Jackie.

Breed is a California White.
Rehome with full disclosure.
Put in the Bitty house with my elderly non laying bantams.
Process..... Both pounds of her tiny irritating self.

What would you do?
I've heard people blow out an egg and then put mustard in it. Leave it in the nest box and the egg eater gets a surprise. Their taste buds are different then ours so not sure why that's supposed to work. Sometimes a change of scenery can put a stop to it. Maybe move her to the Bitty house for a bit then move her back. See if that helps. For me the loss of eggs wouldn't be great but disturbing the other girls would be worse.
Thanks Bob. I will have to take many breaks. This snow is super heavy. I plan to just clear in front of coop and run doors better. There's just to much with nowhere to throw it in the paths.
Hubs and my son HAD cleared the paths yesterday morning but the wind filled them back in to at least a foot deep.

Hubs does NOT need to be out there shoveling this heavy crap.
I finally got a snow thrower and I used it on my lawn to make paths to the coops.
Worked great.
Been out all morning trying to clear the 4' bank of packed snow from the side of the tow truck.
Hubs is now using the truck as a battering ram to try and knock it down more then pack it.

Super mad at the city. They plowed our street TWICE and buried the truck both times.

I am to old for that nonsense!
I would talk to the city. Being an emergency vehicle you would think your drive would get special considerations. They don't plow the ambulance and police cars in. I certainly don't envy your weather. We got into the 60s here then dropped again. I won't complain about the temperature as long as that white flaky stuff stays away.

❤❤❤Congrats Rae on the newest milk drinker!❤❤❤
Well....it was sweet while it lasted.

:rant Plow truck trip #4 :rant

This time he was stopped up the road due to a broke down pickup blocking it.
Hubs caught up to him and was a whole lot nicer than I would have been.

He had to back up no matter what so hubs got him to sort of remove what he just shoved against the tow truck. My son and I re-dug his car out.

Yes you read that right. We have been plowed in 4 separate times.

The plow truck hubs went to get from across town has broken controls so was a no go.
That is awful Henny. A heavy snow load is hard enough to deal with, even without reckless plowers making it worse.
I got crazy busy this last week. (Mon) With the warm up I started moving wood chips again. I think my pitchfork got buried in the pile and I'm going to have break down and buy a new one.

(Tues) I helped a friend worm and lice treat her birds. Got 5 new to me girls with all their supplies and coop. (Woman said with her granddaughter living with her she just doesn't have the time they deserve.)

Did lots of work Wednesday and Thursday.

(Fri) Tore the roof off the new girls coop run and nest box the replaced the plywood. I'm not sure what they were originally made of would be called plywood.

(Sat) Friend I helped husband was so glad he didn't have to do it he came over and did landscaping for me.


After! 😲 (This is closer to the house. Tree is still there but on the trim list) The bushes were so overgrown I couldn't reach to trim them. And the insides were knots of branches and roots and dead stuff. We found two outlets and a hose spigot I didn't know existed. Which also now explains the weird light switches in the front closet that I never knew what they where for. I haven't tested it but there is another outdoor outlet on the house that is switch controlled. So it does make sense. I was just glad he was willing to cut them down but he has been digging out the stumps. BY HAND! With my septic being in the front yard I can't drive anything heavy in it. He was making plans to do more work too.
I'm excited I get to pick new plants. It's full sun in zone 6 so I'm taking suggestions. Thinking poppies because I love them but I certainly need something that will grow taller. Bee Balm is another one I'm thinking about.

(Sun) I got together with my cousin and his family out at a friend's farm. It's about halfway between where we live. I haven't seen him I probably 4 years. Family drama and distance...
While there I sourced more free materials for the new to me coop and finished the roof.
Replaced the coop portion plywood and did all metal roofing today. Not bad for trash picked scraps and random left over project supplies.

Still more to do. Need to work on the black and white coop in the background. Rotten wood to replace. Going to get paint for that. But the 2 x 4s I need were scraps. Love free supplies.

Tomorrow is nap with Merida day!

I need the rest and she needs the snuggles.

Then it's time to retreat the friends birds for worms and bring home more girls! She is sending her culls from her breeding program to me.

Whew. I'm tired just writing it all out. 😆

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