Good morning!🌞
Don't know why this dumb tablet is all emoji happy all of a sudden but it sure is lol!
Still a sogger out there but it is nice temperature wise so I'll take it.:)

I have kept several bearded dragons in my day, had an anole setup too oh and a caimin.
Red eyed tree frogs on the amphibian side of things and more tarantulas than a person ever should.
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day
Good morning everyone. Have a great day!
:frow Good morning Clue, have a great day
Good morning everyone!

Good morning!🌞
Don't know why this dumb tablet is all emoji happy all of a sudden but it sure is lol!
Still a sogger out there but it is nice temperature wise so I'll take it.:)

I have kept several bearded dragons in my day, had an anole setup too oh and a caimin.
Red eyed tree frogs on the amphibian side of things and more tarantulas than a person ever should.
Cool! I have a couple of leopard geckos, a crested gecko, two ball pythons, and a few Amazon milk frogs. I love all animals scaled, feathered, or hairy lol

Still debating on Dwarf Nigerian goats.
Hi everybody :frow

love that workbench Henny! I want thatexcept I want mine to be up when put away because i just know a ton of stuff would sit infront of it if it were folded down and I couldnt use it.

Chicky, for the karma I had meant that I should have taken care of them sooner but I put it off cuz I didnt want to get wet.

first dayback to work today. Shrimp did great 🥰🥰
But i inly git through a 130? emails with another 60? to go. And all the voicemails :th
Neat, I'm that way too have been forever.
I realized I left out a Jacksons Chemeleon off my zoo list can't forget Mr.Gobbles he was fun.
I've always wanted a gecko, that eye licking cracks me up.:)
Good morning everyone!

Cool! I have a couple of leopard geckos, a crested gecko, two ball pythons, and a few Amazon milk frogs. I love all animals scaled, feathered, or hairy lol

Still debating on Dwarf Nigerian goats.
Off topic but has anyone else ever tried G7 3 in 1 coffee?
That stuff is fantastic for an instant coffee, I'm shook over it.
Hi everybody :frow

love that workbench Henny! I want thatexcept I want mine to be up when put away because i just know a ton of stuff would sit infront of it if it were folded down and I couldnt use it.

Chicky, for the karma I had meant that I should have taken care of them sooner but I put it off cuz I didnt want to get wet.

first dayback to work today. Shrimp did great 🥰🥰
But i inly git through a 130? emails with another 60? to go. And all the voicemails :th

For me fold down is a no go. I have a 12" deep section next to the door on my new shop. No setting things in front of the bench cause it would block coming in that door here. A flip up would block my window.

Drawback to legs folding this way is that rounded top means it WILL have a bit of wobble no matter what.

This was one that looked doable. I wanted rolling as well as folding so crossed it off the list. Because this one stays hooked to a wall there won't be wobble.

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