:frow Good afternoon Fishy, hope your day has been good.

I didn't pipe in earlier but when I was 7 mom would leave instructions and a shopping list. Small fridge and shopped daily. I'd ride my bike to the store, buy the groceries and sign for them. Then come home and prepare dinner based on her instructions. Dad was a shift worker so timing was based upon when he was expected home. I could have never figured that out, but with her instructions, dinner was hot and ready when he got home. If I had questions it was a 15 mile bike ride to get answers.
Yeesh! Kids think they have it so bad nowadays.
I remember my grandmas fridge fit under the counter. Near daily shopping was the norm. Now the fridges are huge. Mine juts out 37” and holds near nothing. Now that kiddo is also shopping, we’re cramming stuff everywhere and trust me, we dont have that much in there.
Hiya folks!

Had a busy day today and it will be busy again tomorrow. About 9 this morning, while it was still freezing, my dad backed the truck and trailer up in front of out house and we moved our two barrows into the trailer and then the 3 breeders into the barrows’ pen. We did this so we could make improvements to the carport pig pen so the ladies can have their babies in a nice, dry, wind sheltered environment. I’m glad we moved the pigs before it warmed up because the ground became a slippery mess once the surface started melting. I couldn’t imagine trying to walk the pigs to their various pens while trying to stay upright.

After lunch, we went out and started tearing down the temporary pen we had set up under the car port and started building the new one. We got two walls done. Tomorrow we have the wall under the carport with the gate to let pigs in and out, and a removable wall that will make mucking the pen out easier to do. I hope we get back from the butchers before it gets too late and the ground starts thawing again so we can have my dad bring the tractor up and get us a bunch of wood chips to fill the pen up without turning the back yard mucky. We worked for about 3.5 hours. I worked for about 3 of those hours with the Milm Drinker on my back. The boys played in the yard and helped with smaller tasks. Thing two actually walked backwards off an embankment onto a pile of hog panels. He’s alright. He has a slightly bruised face and had a bit of a bloodied nose. I am so sore. Carrying 25-27lbs on your back while doing construction tasks is no joke. I’ll post pictures when everything is done.
Hiya folks!

Had a busy day today and it will be busy again tomorrow. About 9 this morning, while it was still freezing, my dad backed the truck and trailer up in front of out house and we moved our two barrows into the trailer and then the 3 breeders into the barrows’ pen. We did this so we could make improvements to the carport pig pen so the ladies can have their babies in a nice, dry, wind sheltered environment. I’m glad we moved the pigs before it warmed up because the ground became a slippery mess once the surface started melting. I couldn’t imagine trying to walk the pigs to their various pens while trying to stay upright.

After lunch, we went out and started tearing down the temporary pen we had set up under the car port and started building the new one. We got two walls done. Tomorrow we have the wall under the carport with the gate to let pigs in and out, and a removable wall that will make mucking the pen out easier to do. I hope we get back from the butchers before it gets too late and the ground starts thawing again so we can have my dad bring the tractor up and get us a bunch of wood chips to fill the pen up without turning the back yard mucky. We worked for about 3.5 hours. I worked for about 3 of those hours with the Milm Drinker on my back. The boys played in the yard and helped with smaller tasks. Thing two actually walked backwards off an embankment onto a pile of hog panels. He’s alright. He has a slightly bruised face and had a bit of a bloodied nose. I am so sore. Carrying 25-27lbs on your back while doing construction tasks is no joke. I’ll post pictures when everything is done.
Nevermind...I'm reading now.
The “big nasty pig thing” is an IBC tote cage. We don’t let the kids play with that. It’s great for moving pigs. I’ll take a pic of the dome tomorrow. It is a playground quality piece of equipment.
No... The big nasty is that black thing! Lol

Do y'all eat the piggies?
No... The big nasty is that black thing! Lol

Do y'all eat the piggies?
Yes. I have two feeders going to the butcher tomorrow. The “big nasty black thing” in the video is my boar. I have two sows and a boar for breeding. I should have babies by the end of the month. They are fricken cute.


^These are the two going to the butcher.

^These are my sows.

^This is my boar.

They are American Guineas Hogs. A small, lard breed. VERY tasty.

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