OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Good morning folks have a great Ohio day.
I hope that you did too Mark. I don't like this rain and cooler weather but this is Fall now so I should be expecting it, lol. It was good to hear from you. I hope that all of your Swans are doing well. My Mallard has a more yellow beak with a black stripe starting down the middle instead of the Olive Green that all of my other drakes had so I am still hoping for a female. Have you ever had any males that did not have the Olive Green beaks? I have had probably 30 at least and all of them had the Olive Green.
I hope that you did too Mark. I don't like this rain and cooler weather but this is Fall now so I should be expecting it, lol. It was good to hear from you. I hope that all of your Swans are doing well. My Mallard has a more yellow beak with a black stripe starting down the middle instead of the Olive Green that all of my other drakes had so I am still hoping for a female. Have you ever had any males that did not have the Olive Green beaks? I have had probably 30 at least and all of them had the Olive Green.
Hi Debbie, it's good to see you. No, all the drakes that I have had in my time have had the green beaks. There is always an exception to every rule ever written. Has the bird got the curled tail feathers yet? Does it quack or whisper quack?

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