OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hi Debbie, it's good to see you. No, all the drakes that I have had in my time have had the green beaks. There is always an exception to every rule ever written. Has the bird got the curled tail feathers yet? Does it quack or whisper quack?
Thanks Mark, it is always good to hear from you too. It is only going on 8 weeks this week and does not have the curled tail. It dropped from about 4' to the floor when it was just few days old and hit the wall on it's way down and then the floor. It does not have a voice at all. It has opened it's mouth like it wants to say something but nothing comes out. I thought maybe it hurt its voice box or something if that is possible. It eats and drinks just fine. I guess I will have to wait to see if it lays an egg in the spring or chases the girls around, lol. Thanks for telling me about the green bills because mine were all the same way so hopefully it is a voiceless girl.
Thanks Mark, it is always good to hear from you too. It is only going on 8 weeks this week and does not have the curled tail. It dropped from about 4' to the floor when it was just few days old and hit the wall on it's way down and then the floor. It does not have a voice at all. It has opened it's mouth like it wants to say something but nothing comes out. I thought maybe it hurt its voice box or something if that is possible. It eats and drinks just fine. I guess I will have to wait to see if it lays an egg in the spring or chases the girls around, lol. Thanks for telling me about the green bills because mine were all the same way so hopefully it is a voiceless girl.
I did not drop it. I was cleaning out the tote I had them in and being half runner and half mallard it spooked and literally jumped out of the tote. It was a deep large tote and I could not believe at such a young age it could jump that high. It went behind the cabinet I had them setting on and hit the wall and then the floor. I thought for sure it would have hurt itself but it seemed to be just fine and ate and drank normally. It is just one quiet duck. I am going to try to catch it again in a couple of weeks to see if I can make it make some noise. I know what those drakes sound like but with this one the few times I have heard a noise it was a more clearer one, more like a squalk and not a quack. It did that once when another duck picked at it trying to get a piece of lettuce I had thrown to them.

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