Ok, folks, Unveiling The Ameraucana Breeding Coop(Added Pics)

Thanks, Kamus. Here is a link to the construction photos; sorry, it's in the same album as all my Ameraucana photos since it was to be their coop. The posts are just basically sunk into the ground and sitting on a rock ledge. The holes were dug with post hole diggers since our auger pullstart broke, LOL. Usually, we concrete the posts, but didn't have any bagged cement at the time. We have alot of rock here, so they are on a solid foundation. We have since put braces between them at ground level, to stabilize it and to prevent water from running under it so the underside will stay dry for the birds to escape the rain/sun/etc.
Thanks for the pics, Speckledhen!!! I'm going to build one for my bantams or maybe my turkeys...you're husband has started a coop trend! BTW, Scout is BEAUTIFUL! I love his coloring!
Oh, not many. This is only for my Ameraucana trio plus one Speckled Sussex pullet, so just four. The area, if I did my math on the area of hexagons correctly, is about 27 or 28 sq ft. According to sq ft rules, I should be able to house maybe six or seven hens inside, but I wouldn't stretch it that much. In the future, if I dont have my Ameraucanas separated, I will use it for broody housing or to separate a few hens or even my rooster.
We started putting a pen attached to the Ameraucana coop today. This will be my only covered coop, unless I count a small separation pen I have. It won't be a predator-proof cover, just to keep the birds from flying out and a hawk from flying in. As soon as that is complete and I get/build a feeder for it, Scout and his ladies are moving in. About time since they're 15 weeks old now and I'll be getting eggs fairly soon from Silver, Charlotte and Nelda. I really want them to begin laying in their own little coop.

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