Ok to feed st gabriel organics DE?


11 Years
May 20, 2008
Charles Town, WV
This is what my feed store stocks. It doesn't say food grade, it's intended for garden insect control. Will it be ok as long as it's not for pools? I really need to start a DE regimin, I'm constantly fighting cocci.
You need to get FOOD GRADE DE, not insecticide or pool grade material. And DE will not kill Cocci, since it would be worthless to try to treat your birds with DE with bacterial and fungus diseases. DE is mainly used for worms, fleas, ants, etc. For Cocci, Corid will do the job.
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I couldn't get to the second link but it sounds like the first one, the bag is the right weight. I don't have it yet, they are getting some in this week. Thanks!
It is of sorts, it's a protozoan....and DE does kill it. It just needs to be feed on a daily basis as part of a regime, and not like a off and on treatment.


Thanks! What I need is something I can feed as a preventative. I use sulmet as it rears it's ugly head and penazyryl if i can get it from a vet. It seems like I always have someone sick with it.
It is of sorts, it's a protozoan....and DE does kill it. It just needs to be feed on a daily basis as part of a regime, and not like a off and on treatment.


Thanks! What I need is something I can feed as a preventative. I use sulmet as it rears it's ugly head and penazyryl if i can get it from a vet. It seems like I always have someone sick with it.

I would hit it with the big guns too, then follow up daily with the DE....some people are adding Cayenne Pepper to the feed as well.

I did animal rescue for about 15 years, I was in charge of cats..
I was always battling cocci, once you get that stuff it is hard to get rid of....in addition about 90% of the cats I took in would have it. I would treat them with Albon for 10 days, but it would often return in some cats. The vet would send me home with Albon a quart at a time...lol. I had to clean and scrub the litter boxes daily, so they wouldn't reinfect themselves....gosh that got old, real quick.

However, once I started using DE on a daily basis....I had no more problems with the cats that always relasped. The vet said that the cycle is very hard to break, and was impressed with the effects of DE on helping break that cycle. I put it in the litterboxes too, and on my hardwood floors, and used to broom to work it in the cracks.

With my poultry, I mix it in the feed and put in on the runs and in the coop.

Good luck.


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