***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Golden Grey American Game.

Small part of some of the Asil chicks that got kicked out in the yard today.

This is the Broodcock that sired all the asils. I used him on this hen and 3 others. I got some good blues out of this pairing.

I put this guy over a few American game hens. Over half of the eggs at Carls now are out of him. He is half asil, 1/4 thai and 1/4 Kelso. If math is correct chicks will be 5/8 American Game. Or 9/16 ??? mind aint wanting to do the math. Oh well, a little over half.
Yesterday, I separated the brown runner ducks from the blue runner ducks. This evening, I found a nest in the blue runner duck pen, that initially appeared to only have one egg. I was surprised to find about 2 dozen duck eggs in the nest. Since some have been there awhile (there was a silkie egg in the nest and the silkies came out the day of the first big rain, I am going to boil them and feed them back to the chickens. It is amazing how they can hide a nest in plain sight when there is 6 inches of straw in their area. Now, I need to find some information about how long the blue runners could still be fertilized by the brown drake, then start hatching ducklings once the "all clear" time is over.

Here is probably way too much info on the mating habits of ducks.

I had to copy and paste this from another site.

Domesticated drakes may have a favorite but, normally will mate with any hen in the flock. If you have more than one breed and wish to hatch purebreed offspring, each variety should be separated three weeks prior to and during the breeding sason. One drake may be given for two to five hens. For good furtility, hens need to be bred at least once every four to five days. A few eggs which are laid as long as two weeks after may hatch.
Ducks prefer to mate on water, but most do well on land. Fertilty will be higher if there is access to swimming water at least 8 inches deep.



This has little to do with ducks but is very informative.

Those are some really good looking birds Cowboy. My favorite cross with the NNs has always been with the Giants, they produce a high quality bird that is also very calm as well. For me the size of the hens didn't increase as much as the roosters did but they did get blockier and had some weight behind them.

I wish you a speedy recovery after you get the work done.
Those are some really good looking birds Cowboy. My favorite cross with the NNs has always been with the Giants, they produce a high quality bird that is also very calm as well. For me the size of the hens didn't increase as much as the roosters did but they did get blockier and had some weight behind them.

I wish you a speedy recovery after you get the work done.

Cowboy, I will be praying for you as you go through the medical gauntlet.
Hopefully it won't have you slowed down for very long.
I followed Les' advice and started crossing my Naked Necks with Jersey giants last year.
My hens aren't super huge from this cross but I do have a black rooster that is a monster.
I sold all of my blue and black giants I had and I am breeding straight NN's this year.
I have blues, black and splashes.
The lone exception is a big Langshan hen that is kinda sweet on that big black rooster.
POOPS is coming and the list of raffle items is beginning to grow.
Here are some of the items to tantalize your interest!!!!

Jaquard dish towel in red with a rooster pattern

hand-made necklace with Peacock Jasper pendant and swarovski crystal; brown and maroon

baskets for the "kidlets" with chicky items

a gift basket of "chickeny type things" for the adults

a couple of plywood nestboxes built by a young craftsman

some eggs, week old keets or chicks .... Possibly seedlings of some kind

A trio of birds

a lot of chicken related stuff, knick-knacks, decorative items...some stuff for the kids, too

A dozen Columbian Wyandotte hatching eggs

homemade soaps

A basket of "neat lil goodies" all the way from Barnswallow "to show how much we love and miss yall."

Hand beaded earrings with little chicks.

Chicken theme hot pads

If you have an item for the raffle for POOPS, send me a PM. If you can send pictures, I'll post those to tantalize our crowd. Remember the proceeds from the raffle help pay for future events.
has anyone tried putting vet wrap around the neck of a bird being plucked? Captains feathers are starting to come back in, but don't want them plucked again...
How about using the top of a childs sock cut like a lont turtleneck.

Upcdazy Update:The Dr. removed a rather large soft shelled egg from Bunny and gave her two shots with steroids, an antibiotic and calcium. He said she should start to feel better in a few hours but cautioned that she still may not make it. He discovered some gurgling in her left lung and said that her muscles were spongy, and thinks that she may have a hormonal imbalance which would be fatal if that's the case. If she's not better by Wednesday, he wants to see her again. He seemed like a nice man. I will use him again if need be. I sure hope Bunny pulls through this. She's such a sweetheart, and is one of my favorite chickens.

Hope this little Bunny hen gets better soon.

hi all im in duncan ok and would like to set up a coop sometime this summer am wondering if anyone had any extra chicks or are going to have any?

There will be chicks and larger birds at the POOPS even in Choctaw on May 5. That would give you some time to get a coop ready.

Spent the day in OKC at doc. Doc told me I was going to have a heart Cath. next month. Then in May I have another mass taken out of my head where they did the first surgery.
he blue chicks out of my NN rooster and the black giant, & black austerlopes are looking real good. The cockerals are growing real fast. I think I might be on to something.

Good luck with all the medical prodcedures...hope the recovery times are quick and you are running around after all those chicks.
I'm loving the looks of my Australorp cross birds...nice size and shape....and some have feathered feet from the Cochin roo.

Spent Mnday working in the garden and overdid it. The meds kicked in and I was able to doze for a while, but back up for a while....Got a flat of tomatoes, a flat of jalepeno and a flat of sweet peppers planted. Spread straw mulch around the plants. Then weeded the rows of spinach, carrots, lettuce and beets. Then put straw hay around the cabbage, broccolli and larger lettuce plants. Watered everything lightly to settle the plants back down. Too much bending and stooping for the aging body....getting older "vacuums". But the garden looks nice.

Hey Stephanie...the pile of dirt/compost is drying out nicely and will make amuch lighter load when ever you come to get a load.
Good Morning everyone! I work as soon as I got home yesterday so I didn't get anything posted. This morning I will.

Jim yes you live too close! I still have your cage too!

Monty good to see you! Hope you had a good trip.

Welcome Alesia!!

This year again we will have the option of two different colors!!! I think they look great! When you are ready to place your order please PM me with T-shirt in the subject line, if you do not receive a reply from me please follow up to make sure I have your order as I will have several lists & this is the only way to insure that you have your shirt.

The shirt will cost 9.00 per shirt for youth small to adult XL, anything over that will be an additional 1.00 per X (for instance XXL will be 10.00)

No money will be needed to order your shirt but please make sure that you will be at the event to get your shirt, I know things happen & if that does please contact me so we can make other arrangements.

Orders are due by the end of the day: April 23th
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