Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hi! I am having trouble figuring out this
forum's way to reply, so bear with me....

They had several for sale this last time (last week). They also had several babies for sale.
I bought some OE bantams (for raising babies:),
a pair of India Blue Peacocks and three lavender

So do you work at Atwoods in Chix? We are going
there today for some shavings and babies!

Jimd, I'm glad you got a pair of Spitzhaubens. They really are cute chickens to have around. The next time we're at a sale at the same time, maybe I can find out who you are. Gerald & I are quiet too ... usually at the back of a room, hugging a wall.

Okiechick, when are you going to go to Harrah auction? We'd like to meet you!

Buckguy, I'm glad you talked to the lady with the cinnamon rolls ... she makes them herself, and she's friendly.

Well, my auction purchase of auraucana eggs hasn't turned out as well as I'd hoped ... 2 out of 14 eggs have hatched so far, and it looks like they are feather-legged. I guess those little fellas will be for sale at the next auction I go to. I don't want mixed breed chickens.

Countyroad, I'm glad you rescued a duck from your store. I went to the Atwoods in Norman yesterday, and there was a poor baby duck that looked like yours that wasn't going to make it. The clerk said some man picked it up and then dropped it on the concrete block that held the waterer ... then walked away. She was sure upset. She thought he did it intentionally. They really need wire covers over those chicks to help keep the babies safe.

My call ducks are laying now so I have some eggs available for sale, $1 each, but they sure aren't easy to hatch ... at least I haven't had good luck. I've read they need to be hand turned & high humidity or under a broody duck or chicken. I had 8 in my cabinet incubator, 1 hatched & the other embryos died almost fully formed. We put some eggs under some broody silkie chickens, to see if that works better. I'll probably be selling the call ducks, if anyone is interested. I need their pen for my future marans chickens. I had 15 marans chicks hatch a few days ago, plus another 23 eggs are due on Monday, and I've got a couple more dozen due to arrive in the mail on Monday.
Okcarla, How many call ducks do you have? I might be interested if you sell. Or might get some eggs from you. I'd have to wait till after the 18th when the bator is empty. Don't you live at tuttle or bridgecreek, I'm at Chickasha.

Welcome Goldrose, where are you from? Must be close to here if you went to Chickasha's Atwoods. I was in there today too. Got some pine litter. I could never work in that store, I'd never get paid, just be buying stuff!

Countyroad, will you let me know if Atwoods gets in anymore geese. I bought their last one a few weeks ago, (cause I felt sorry for it being the last one!) and probably need to get it a partner. I seen a couple banties in there today, but I'm trying to be strong and resist!! I'll be glad when they get their greenhouse stocked, then I can get carried away with the garden stuff!!
Foghorn, I have at least a dozen call ducks ... adults, and one duckling. If I sell, I'd prefer for them to all go at the same time, for $10 each. I have 2 calls that have a wing with feathers that stick out, I'll sell those for cheaper. I read that it is called angelwing, and that it's thought to be caused by too rich a diet. I tend to overfeed, and I guess too much egg layer pellets. They say it doesn't happen to wild ducks, because they don't have as rich a diet, plus wild ducks eat more natural foods & grasses. My call ducks are mostly grays, at least 5 gray hens & 2 drakes, a trio of white and a pair of snowy calls. I hatched them all as eggs that I bought from eggbid and ebay.
So many new people! Gold Rose, are you in Chickasha?

Foghorn, we get shipments every Wednesday and Friday, but I'm not for sure if we will get geese. That's probably the best time to check. I work Wednesday, so I will let you know if we get more.

Ya'll should let me know when you need to go to Atwoods so we can meet!

Carla, what color are your Calls? I may be interested in trying out the eggs.

My little duckling is in with the chicks right now. They are twice his size, and are fascinated with his beak. I'm not sure that arrangement will work out. He may be getting a duck buddy tomorrow (which is what I'm tryig to avoid.)
Anyone interested in some auracauna chickens? I have 3 hens and 2 roos that I have to get rid of
I just got them last Saturday. The hens havnt started laying yet but should anytime. I got my self in a bind and have 25 chicks in the brooder and 34 eggs in the bator fixing to hatch. My wife is having a cow. I will be at the Afton sale this Saturday morning if anyone is interested or I am in Salina, Ok. I will take $6 each for them. I will try to get pictures tommorrow. I also have a pair of red silkies, she has just started laying once every other day. I will take $10 for the pair.
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Thanks for the welcome Foghorn and BuckGuy20! I've enjoyed what I've seen so far. A friendly and informative board - for sure!

I'm from Anadarko....I really am into showing and raising Palomino Quarter Horses, but I've always enjoyed birds.

In late January, I was at a feed-store and saw the poster for Cement. We went, had a lot of fun and went back last Saturday. Hooked again!

Chickenhead, are the Silkies pure and are they bearded?

JimD, will you sell me some of the Red Silkie eggs after you buy them from Chickenhead?


Where are Okie and Grace!? I need them to help me out with my new duckling!
They are supposed to be pure, not sure bought them at an auction. They are non bearded, and the only thing im not sure about is they have a little black on them, like on their tails. To be pure silkies should they be solid colors or?????
Hi Cammie, the duckling is 3 days old. I bought him as an egg on ebay. I paid $18 for 6 eggs including shipping & he's the only fella that hatched. It's possible it could be a silkie duck, the lady said, because she said she had silkie ducks & call ducks together. I've never heard of a silkie duck??? Anyway, it could be any color too, since all were together. I could let him go for $8 if you want him, and include a few of my call eggs for you to try to hatch.
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