ouch...my eyeball! (the BIG update, pg. 7)

i'd keep an eye out fer her
I don't care who you are, that's funny!

heck yes that was! keep me giggling, it helps!

update...DH just went in and told his boss i got bit in the eye and his boss didn't flinch and said, "GO!" we are so blessed!

so he's on the way. thank God, because it is swelling more and more and i feel like a side of my face is going to burst. aaagh.
There is absolutely nothing funny about an eye injury as I know from experience. miss_jayne get medical attention ASAP. Jim, I had you pegged right all along.
yep....med attention being sought...DH is on his way. going straight to the Lapeer Hospital.

ohhhh i hope they use the blue light to see if there is a hole!
I got pecked in the eye about a month ago, it wasn't that bad but for an hour it hurt and I had blurry vision-which sucked cuz I needed to finish a drawing for class. It felt weird for a day or two and then i just had a red spot on my eye for a week.
I hope yours isn't to bad and it heals okay.
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