How is everyone travelling? We have had crazy amounts of rain - I even spotted most of the birds in the coop today :eek::eek:normally they sleep, lay and that is it, never seen any other than the silkies hanging out inside! Really need to rig up some tarps over the hoop tunnel thing for them to have outdoor space that is sheltered - couldn't even get out there today it was so bad!
It snowed overnight, but switched to rain this morning and rained most of the day, with some fierce wind. I fed my hens inside the shed where they sleep at night, as they don't want to come out in this cold, wet nonsense. It's been a crazy week weather wise. Snow, clear and sunny, rain. What's next I wonder?
How is everyone travelling? We have had crazy amounts of rain - I even spotted most of the birds in the coop today :eek::eek:normally they sleep, lay and that is it, never seen any other than the silkies hanging out inside! Really need to rig up some tarps over the hoop tunnel thing for them to have outdoor space that is sheltered - couldn't even get out there today it was so bad!

I provided shelters in each run: an old table (low), old doors by the wall and tarps. but my marans and silkies stay in rain and keep scratching! I feel like crying when I see them.

we had a strong shower yesterday so it is muddy again. my ducks enjoy it (especially indian runners) but my geese retrieved to a drier part of the run.
What is everyone up to for the weekend? I am pledged to make 'crepes' as a fundraiser for my little ones school tomorrow morning. The middle has rugby training tomorrow arvo (they were supposed to have a game but the club has closed the field where they were due to play - too wet!) so will be a day of running around! (30 od km round trip - luckily share wiht another faimly so just do one trip and they do the other!). iId like to suss out what tarps I have in the barns and try to put up a cover for the chickens as well, they are just so wet!!!
What is everyone up to for the weekend?
Forecast for dry weather here so hubby and I spent today sketching out building plans for my first ever coop and plan to break ground tomorrow :wee!!! Have 10 reclaimed wood doors that once measured and laid out means I am getting a 2.5M by 1.6M building. But first need to clear and level the spot in the garden and move gravel in before we build the foundation which is why we are thrilled for a few dry days this weekend.:celebrate
Forecast for dry weather here so hubby and I spent today sketching out building plans for my first ever coop and plan to break ground tomorrow :wee!!! Have 10 reclaimed wood doors that once measured and laid out means I am getting a 2.5M by 1.6M building. But first need to clear and level the spot in the garden and move gravel in before we build the foundation which is why we are thrilled for a few dry days this weekend.:celebrate

Eggciting! And congrats for the very first coop!

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