

Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
Hi, I am waiting for my chicks this week. I think of them as pets with an added bonus of eggs. I was wondering how many people on this board have their chickens as pets.
It's funny, my last two roosters kind of fended for themselves, I took care of them, and they seemed to be smart enough to stay out of trouble. But now I am waiting for some girls, (no roosters) and I am feeling more protective with them, and want to have a coop, and keep them safe, etc. My rooster lives next door now with a wife LOL. I guess he's not "my" rooster.
However, the chickens will be pets, just as the rooster was. Karen
My husband, son and 1 daughter are allergic to dogs and cats. Do you know anybody that is allergic to chickens??? No...., so we figured, that would be a PERFECT pet along with the added bonus of fresh eggs. We had no idea it would be this fun!!!
There are LOTS of folk with chickens as pets - they're really cute, and take all the attention my little kids dish out!

I have only had mine a month and I LOVE them! They're so sweet, like little kids only you don't have to get up at night!!

Eggs will be FANTASTIC!
Any animal I have is a pet. My silkies were given to me and I hand raised them. Now the little Roo thinks I'm his momma. He crows for me when I go indoors and flirts with me like I'm one of his hens. I only have three chicks and I really don't care if I have eggs or not. I am hopeful that I will have peeps some day though.

I love my babies!!! They are my pets....I have 7 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Banty rooster...I absolutly LOVE them. I couldn't imagine having them for any other reason but to love and cuddle them!! I mean, the eggs are GREAT, so I am enjoying them!!...They just started laying about 2 weeks ago!!! I am such a proud Momma!!! they are about 22 weeks now.

My kids love them just as much as I do!!! I am very protective over them...They are a spoiled little flock!!
The hens will be my pets, and the roos will be the "Really friendly, sometimes long-term dinner company".. *laughs*

I realize we'll probably eat some of them, so I'm trying to be realistic about it, but I am absolutely attached to my eggs already and can't wait to love on them.

I figure even the boys can be loved before we eat them..

(We'll see how long that lasts once it's actually time to cull them...

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