Pig Bomb

I've heard it's two generations from domestic to feral "hog" with tusks, etc...I didn't think you had to breed them to an already feral hog, just that they can get pretty primitive, pretty fast.

They are in some parts of PA, it's be great if we could get some meat!
European boar [ the pure wild variety including the Russian Boar ] were imported and crossed with feral hogs for hunting preserves . Naturally some have escaped plus used to breed and intentially set loose . A dropped rather than twisted tail and pigs being born with the baby patterned stripes and dots are pretty hard evidence of Wild Boar without the DNA evidence that documentary was searching for . A bad trick being pulled on the hunters running with catch dogs is sometimes people catch them while young , remove the " whetter " teeth used to grind the tusks , allowing a huge tusk to grow for trophy purposes when released . It lacks the sharp edge but still gets a point that kills or maims humans and dogs . Bacterial infection from a tusk wound nearly killed a guy I know ; weeks in intensive care and removal of some muscle saved his life but he walks with a permanent limp .
I was it a few months ago and thought it was funny,yep pigs are a problem but the hole thing about going to the ussr to get samples and start a DNA database was hoping a joke,as Steveh,said they were all brought over so why spend millions of dollars just to have the DNA data tell you that they are related to the russian boars when we allready know whey were brought over,my bet is some of my tax dollars are being spent on this.
I don't think they are around Kentucky.

Thank goodness!!

Call me, well, chicken but I don't think I could sleep well at night knowing a 700 pound monster size feral pig was out there in my backyard!! The very thought gives me the heebie jeebies.
I know how strong my little Maddie pig is (& she's a whole 40 pounds)... She can lift the sofa with her nose! When she's outside, she will pull on weeds that don't want to budge, and her butt will go up in the air!!!! It's hilarious, but I know I would never want to be faced with a po'd feral pig The worst part is just how smart pigs are. They will figure things out that other animals wouldn't...
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we've hunted them in Kentucky
They are becoming a problem in Western MO south of KC. Wonder if the coyotes would take them on? Do they need to develop a taste for pig instead of chicken?
We have them here in Central Oklahoma - at least - they are in my neck of the woods. We see sign every once in a while. A guy bought some land a couple of miles upriver from here. He fenced in about 80 acres and turned some hogs loose. He claimed he was conducting an "experiment" to see how well they could fend for themselves. They did right well, and the fences didn't even slow them down. Now they are all over everywhere along the river. Some of them are HUGE! Maybe that's why the large predators are making a comeback around here? In the last few years I've seen wolves and cougars, in addition to the usual coyotes, bobcats and fox. (Not to mention the coons, possum, skunk, etc). Fortunately, I haven't lost any livestock to them...but they have wrecked other neighbors' field crops...

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