I think I would go ahead and remove all the shavings for now and just use paper towels.
You can also mix a little sugar water up to give to them, also if you have Pedialyte will help with electrolytes...or if you can get some 'Save A Chick' electrolyte powder.
If it is heat stress, how long would they take to recover from this once no longer exposed to the same heat? I have hydralyte here, which is an effervescent electrolyte tablet for humans, do I need a poultry specific product though? One of them has just started convulsing a bit like it's having a seizure or something.
If it is heat stress, how long would they take to recover from this once no longer exposed to the same heat? I have hydralyte here, which is an effervescent electrolyte tablet for humans, do I need a poultry specific product though? One of them has just started convulsing a bit like it's having a seizure or something.
Depends on how long/bad their exposure has been...my experince with my chicks has been from a couple of minutes to several hours.
You say 'started convulsing', is it throwing it's head back like it's raling? If so, it's way over heated.
Depends on how long/bad their exposure has been...my experince with my chicks has been from a couple of minutes to several hours.
You say 'started convulsing', is it throwing it's head back like it's raling? If so, it's way over heated.
Not throwing its' head back, more like shaking, I guess seizure is the best word I can think of. It's stopped now. I'm worried that if they got too hot overnight, it's been most of the day now and the've made no improvement. I've been giving them wet mushed up food and sugar water from a dropper although it's hard to get them to take it.
Not throwing its' head back, more like shaking, I guess seizure is the best word I can think of. It's stopped now. I'm worried that if they got too hot overnight, it's been most of the day now and the've made no improvement. I've been giving them wet mushed up food and sugar water from a dropper although it's hard to get them to take it.
Administer on the side of the beak, dropwise, you'll spill more than they will take in but just keep trying to get them to swallow.
I'd lower the brooder temp to around 75 to 80°F under the lamp.
Administer on the side of the beak, dropwise, you'll spill more than they will take in but just keep trying to get them to swallow.
I'd lower the brooder temp to around 75 to 80°F under the lamp.
Thank you. It's at that temp. I'll update any changes here. Thank you everybody.
Last January it got up to 47.5°C (117.5°F) outside, so I to get all my birds out of the heat. I lets my chickens out so they could go to the garage to escape the extreme heat. Sadly, one of them over heated badly and dies a few days later.

A few weeks later, it got that hot again. It was a bit more sudden this time, so before I knew it, I had one quail dead and two chickens overheating. I rushed everyone inside, including all of my chickens (they made a huge mess). One of the chickens recovered pretty quickly (no more than a few hours), but the other one looked a lot worse. She wan't very alert and she was throwing her head back a lot. I thought I would lose her, but within a few days, she was fully recovered.
Just an update: I have been feeding them with sugar water + electrolytes and some mushed up watery food with a syringe including a few times overnight. One in particular was really reluctant to swallow anything and this morning it died. The two others have started eating and drinking by themselves which is encouraging but still not standing/walking/moving, just fluffed up with their eyes shut.
Administer on the side of the beak, dropwise, you'll spill more than they will take in but just keep trying to get them to swallow.
I'd lower the brooder temp to around 75 to 80°F under the lamp.
Update: The two remaining ill quail have not changed. still eating + drinking a bit but just sleeping, not moving around. From the remaining flock of 8 that weren't showing symptoms, the smallest one has now started to display symptoms as well and I will move them into the sick bay brooder soon. I'm quite certain it's not from heat stress now.

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