Post your Duck names!

I have 4 ducks, three are females, one is called Clementine and is of the breed magpie, one is called Daisy and is a pekin, and one is a rouen and her name is Cocoa. The other is a male pekin and his name is Huey.
I have 4 Muscovies, 2 males and 2 females. They finally have been named.

The biggest male's name is Roosky. My Mom was a bartender and thought of the drink Black Russian, since he's kinda black and the scovie name is Russian.
The 2nd male's name is Whiskey. He's brown and white.
I have a brown and white female named Kahlua, which fits her.
My last one is an 99% white female named Martini.

We were on an alcohol naming kick as you can tell.
We now have 5........

Olive - Cayuga hen
Brewster - KC drake
Beans - crested Blue Swede
Bonsai - Muscovy hen duckling

our other scovy duckling (hen) has yet to be named, but we're playing around with.... Cricket, Penelope P. Puddlesworth (Puddles), Mustard, Friday, or Smudge......we keep adding names to the list which isn't helping at all. :eek:\

We also had a Rouen hen named Pickles (RIP)....she's my avatar pic

...add in the goose, Happy, we used to have but had to re-home because "Happy" didn't act too happy to see me and also turned out to be a gander. LOL
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We have 15 Muscovies 2 just hatched so don't have names for them
Ernie, Opie, Andy, Lavern, Shirley, Alice, Faith, Hope, Joy, Peggy Sue, Dolly, Ruth, Emmie.
Out of the 5 Ancona's only 3 are named:

The Drake is SWAGGER. And yes, we sing:
You want the moves like Swagger
I've got the moves like Swagger
I've got the mooooooves... like Swagger (if you know the song, you get the joke

and 2 of the ducks are MIKE (my 7.5 yr old named her after a crush she has on one of my co-workers) and SWEET PEA.

Out of the 2 Khaki's
The drake is JULES
no name yet of the duck

We are picking up 10 more ducks today - Pekins and Mallards.
I have 4 Aylesburys!
1 adult girl - April was born in April.
1 adult boy- Milky one day when I was eating my cereal he tried to steal some of my milk.
1 duckling boy (I think ) - Lenny very confident like Lenny of a tv show my brother watches.
1 duckling girl (i think)- Lilly so small and quaint, couldn't get out of her shell on her own and had splayed leg but luckily I banned it.
I have a bibbed call-Doris
White call- Delilah
Apricot drake-Donald
Call drake-Jasper
Chocolate call-Mary
Magpie with no name yet
Magpie duckling with no name
2 bibbed ducklings which have no name yet
... any suggestions on names appreciated

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