Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Awesome Rock And Roll GIF

I found one of my missing hens today, a grey, not a snowy. She’s on a nest under a boat leaned up against the side of my garage. :rolleyes:
So happy to read you found her 😀 Have you ever had a duck go missing and then return a month later with ducklings?
Has anyone had this happen? I know it happens with chickens and I assume it happens with ducks, but I'm curious if any of you have experienced this. I imagine seeing them walking back with babies is the cutest scene ever 💕
So happy to read you found her 😀 Have you ever had a duck go missing and then return a month later with ducklings?
Has anyone had this happen? I know it happens with chickens and I assume it happens with ducks, but I'm curious if any of you have experienced this. I imagine seeing them walking back with babies is the cutest scene ever 💕
I’ve hoped for it, when they’ve gone missing, but never had it happen. I’ve had a few go off and hide their nests, but I find them within the month, before they hatch. Like this girl. I have no idea how long she has been sitting. I have too many greys that look identical, and didn’t count them individually.
I was planning to put together some progression pictures and some of my videos, but hadn’t really thought of making it an article. But I could do that.

I posted a few pics in a FB group, most everyone was complimentary and supportive, except for one person that said I should have taken her to a vet, even though I had already said I couldn’t “justify” a vet visit. I replied that it was definitely vet-worthy, but I couldn’t afford it, so I tried to do what I could do myself. So those types of people always make me regret posting stuff.
You really should, I bet people would find it very educational.

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