~Pro's And Con's Of Feathered Feet~

Yes, very fancy! When you go FF and extra toe you hit ultra fancy.:)
I have fancy chickens. Oohhh lala :lau

Now it isn't a huge issue where I am but a place that keeps weeks upon weeks of sub zero temps then it would get hairy.
One more bitty thing, broken blood feathers on feet beyond suck and terrify me personally due to an almost instant and dramatic limp that they cause.

Ya I wondered if that was the reason.
FF = Poopy, dirty feet. Frostbite in winter because of wet foot feathers. Hindrance to chickens being able to scratch for food while foraging. An impediment when running from predators. All Cons.

Honestly? I can't think of a single pro, other than being something for show...which is a pretty weak pro.
FF = Poopy, dirty feet. Frostbite in winter because of wet foot feathers. Hindrance to chickens being able to scratch for food while foraging. An impediment when running from predators. All Cons.

Honestly? I can't think of a single pro, other than being something for show...which is a pretty weak pro.
I agree! We got ours because someone ordered them and never picked them up so the farm was left with them. I figured they'd like our house.
Yep, no matter how quick or careful it always looks like iv'e committed murder though.
Wish it wasn't quite so well....bloody.:caf
Broken blood feathers are annoying but easy to fix. Grab with pliers and yank out the shaft then douse with corn starch to staunch the bleeding. Sometimes they scab and fall out on their own but they usually grow back.
So what do people think are there the top face of these FF breeds?
For me Brahma/Langhshan

For me, it's all the varieties of Marans. They lay large dark brown eggs, and they are somewhat decent layers. Then again, I suppose many people don't really think of Marans when it comes to FF, as their feet are not heavily feathered, so maybe it would be something like Brahma or cochins.
I have about 60 or so bantam cochins and they are great at keeping their feet feathers clean. But their pens stay dry and the ground is loose. I also have a trio of d’Uccle. Their feet feathers are even longer! But their feathers seem to be more stiff. They keep them pretty clean also.

Cons, mine get a lot of ‘mud balls’ (caked dirt) around their toe nails because of the loose soil and humidity, and the feathers make it hard for me to pay attention to their toe nails. It’s much easier to see them on my non-feather footed breeds.

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