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GOOD Morning Cooper"s
Well, I was out in the coop at 5am, and made an air hole at the top of the egg #3---
It was definitely not a go 🤢 it was a rotten unfurtlized egg--

So I got the coop all cleaned up, moved the broody cage from under the north end of the roost because the 4 week old chicks have been roosting all week, on their own the 2 decided they wanted up there. Mamma #1 stands with them under her wing on the roost, but with the broody cage under them with a board on top no one was going to fall.

Mamma #2 still has her nest under the nesting box, her 3 chicks are 3 weeks old

I keep the adult chickens out of the coop in the morning so the chicks can eat without being run off,

then when all the chicks have had their fill I raise the feeder

image_67183361.JPG Not going to work, Put the board back

image_67505153.JPG peeking out from under mamma #3

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All 8 hens and Cornelius got baths yesterday, not the 3 mamma hens,
And due to to many egg laying fights, DH turned the nesting bench into boxes— we ha just enough left over siding from building the coop,

One clean rooster

2 new babies
Well, over the last 9 years, I have raised chicks, one year I have a broody Buff Orphington hen already hatched Barred Rock chicks,, This is the first for 3 broody hens hatching and raising.

There are many things, I discovered that are not in the Storys Raising Chickens book or on the Backyard Poultry web site. Many thing I found on BYC.
A few things, that I worked out was
Some broody hens can get along with other broody hens [ yes one is always the boss] and some broody hens dont.
How to intergrade the broody hen back into the flock without blood shed.

My Broody #1 & 2 worked their difference out and work together, BUT #3 is what is called ferocious-- maybe she will calm down a bit as her chicks get into week #2 but she most defiantly does not like 1 &2's chicks,

So this is a whole N'other ball of wax to deal with in a coop/run enclosed area-- maybe when flocks free range its different, I dont know, but this is what I got and there wont be blood shed. I do let Mr. Rooster do his job at supervising the hens and dealing with fights, thats his job and he is good at it. Its how the order of things works, not fun to watch but as long as there in no blood , says " @R2elk , leave them be.

They have lots of available feeders and waterers, a huge run, its not cramped, they have a 24ft roost, so they are set up for success.
image_67234817.JPG image_67210497.JPG

#3's 2 babies will stay in the brooder cage another week then a little bit at a time.
The Rooster & flock has been very good with with the chicks

and I know mamma #1 &2 will be fine with the 2 new ones its the 3 mammas getting along that will be tricky.
#3 is a big girl and can hold her own with the flock, they will get out of her way. I just dont want #3 going after the other chicks-- that will be my job to watch for, Rooster will watch the hens I will watch the chicks :cool: lolol but not today,

New chicks need another week, now, Mamma#3 I will get er out to roll in the dirt and poop and work it out with the rest of the flock for a spell and then back to the brooder she goes.

Everyone can see everyone, so they aren't surprised by the new 2 chicks and mamma #3

image_67193345 (1).JPG
the 2, 6 week olds enjoying the outdoor roost


one of the 6 week olds likes to sleep with the adults and wanted to sleep next to mamma #1 but she said no,, so chick snuggled next to dad
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All is well in the Welsummer coop!
chick set#1 is 7 weeks old Set #2 is 6 weeks old and set #3 is 3 weeks old
Set 1 &2 have been following Mamma #2 these last 4 weeks, mamma #1 was off the job when set #1 was 3 weeks old. Mamma #1 roosted with her chicks only for one week and then went over to the adult hen side of the roost. So her chicks huddled with Mamma #2. One of those chicks did like staying on the roost at night and did, Rooster let her camp by him.
This last week & 1/2 Mamma #2 has been up on the roost with all 5 chicks,
I noticed yesterday a lot of extra peeping from set #2 chicks and last night I found out why. Mamma #2 is now off the job. She stuck it out a full 6 weeks and did a great job, the chicks had to roost last night with out her. They squoze in close to the biggest of set #1 chick, and did fine.

Mamma #3 is still nesting with her 2 chicks in the under the egg laying box, she is starting to distance herself a bit, and her 2 are quite independent, except at bed time 🤗
I got 10 eggs yesterday so that tells me the only hen not laying is mamma #3
The 3 week olds

The 7&6 week olds

And todays eggs
I got 10 eggs yesterday so that tells me the only hen not laying is mamma #3
The 3 week olds

The 7&6 week olds

And todays eggs
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