Ribh's D'Coopage

Hey, Rene! :frow A day late and a dollar short :oops:

I did get a good picture of the (now) 2 babes she has. Another was half zipped and I could hear one cheeping in the shell. We'll see what she has when I get home!
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She's looking a bit pale/anemic to me. Need to do a bug check :hmm She's out everyday dust bathing, though...
Simply adorable. Nothing like chicks with their mum. 🥰
Here's a different sort of sunset for you.
I'd like to hear of your experience flying. I have not flown since Covid arrived.
They completely throw social distancing out the window...which makes one wonder why they are still making people stay 6 feet apart in lines. A few times we've had a row to ourselves, but usually we're crammed right in there close and personal! None of it makes much sense. In one way Covid has made going through security a little easier, the only thing you have to take out of your carry-on are tablets or laptops...the flip side to that is the last person looking at the xray of the carry-ons took forever on each one...it was pretty ridiculous. The worst is having to wear the mask, but you just have to suck it up and think of our healthcare workers...thank-you Mrs By Bob and any others on the front lines... 💞
They completely throw social distancing out the window...which makes one wonder why they are still making people stay 6 feet apart in lines. A few times we've had a row to ourselves, but usually we're crammed right in there close and personal! None of it makes much sense. In one way Covid has made going through security a little easier, the only thing you have to take out of your carry-on are tablets or laptops...the flip side to that is the last person looking at the xray of the carry-ons took forever on each one...it was pretty ridiculous. The worst is having to wear the mask, but you just have to suck it up and think of our healthcare workers...thank-you Mrs By Bob and any others on the front lines... 💞
The only good thing about flights in and out of Montana. There's hardly anyone on the flights:p Of course, that means you basically can get a direct flight to any where.

Do you travel for work?

My problem child.

Olivia thinks she should be allowed to be a house chicken & live inside with me.

She doesn't like having to run the gauntlet with the bigger chickens & was looking sad & alone this morning.​

I scooped her up & brought her round to join the Japs enjoying their outside time.
She perked right up & began chickening away like anything.
I don't want to bring her back in as she's not sick so the sooner these 2 can return outside the better! Just waiting on Desdemona's eyes healing up & they should be good to go.

Unfortunately this lot thought they should all be allowed in the front yard too! 🙄
The Vorwerks are trouble that way. They are incredibly curious & have no fear of the unkown.


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